The 7th creative day and the 1000 yr. reign--isn't the BORG still on the hook with 1975?

by Alpaca 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finally-Free

    I'm still waiting for the anti-typical 1975.


  • Alpaca

    Thanks undercover!

    Doesn't this "noo light" create some other problems for them?

    Such as the fact, according to Bible chronology, humans have only been here for 6,000 years and the next youngest species are all millions of years old. So, one of two things has to be true, but not both...either the geologic/paleontological record can really only be applied to non-human life or the Bible's chronology of human lifespans is wrong/figurative. If it is figurative, then so is the date for the Flood... and on and on and on....with every other date.

    Also, the fossil record clearly shows that many species appeared and disappeared relatively quickly in the geologic record, some persisted for 100s of millions of years, and others have persisted from the time they first appeard.

    While God was still in the process of creating were some species going extinct before Adam could name them?

    The BS in the WT article above is just one more excellent example of the BORGs feeble attempt at explaining anything. There whole belief system is just a house of cards.

  • Farkel

    It is obvious (as has been already stated in this thread) that the WTS is distancing itself from the notion of 7,000 year creative days, but they haven't come right out and said the 7,000 year/day idea is bogus. Therefore, technically speaking, the 7,000 year/day is still WT doctrine.

    The one problem they cannot deal with is still nagging at them: the dinosaurs, some of who lived 100,000,000 years ago. They've attempted in the past to discredit the various dating methods that are used, but we don't see much of that anymore. They just don't know enough about science to make any convincing arguments.

    I think if all "true believers" would just rip the book of Genesis out of their Bibles and flush it down the toilet, they would have a much easier time trying to defend the veracity of the Bible than they currently do.

    Furthermore, if they also ripped out the first 65 books that follow Genesis and flush THEM down the toilet, they won't have any problems at all!


  • RubaDub
    I'm still waiting for the anti-typical 1975.

    I can never get these straight when the event is typical, anti-typical, type, anti-type, symbolic or some other term to try to explain away something that didn't happen.

    Rub a Dub

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    We've got 2014 - the centennial celebration of whatever happened in 1914.

    The beauty part of this is that it will come two years after the rapidly approaching disappointment of 2012, when all the New-Agers will marvel as suddenly, NOTHING happens.

    (This despite a pile of movies and books saying something might happen.)

    Then, after NOTHING happens in 2014, spiritual Israel can look forward to the arrival of the next due date for the Jewish Jubilee year - 2025. What a thrilling time to be alive!!!

    As with all previous dates, 2025 will prove to be a disappointment also, and people can erase from their memory banks that anything was even suggested about it.

    Instead, mankind can expectantly look forward to the arrival of 2034 - which is 1914 + 120. The 120 comes from the Biblical myth of Noah, who preached 120 years, and Jesus' supposed statement that "just as the days of Noah were..."

    Then after 2034 fails, we will have to gird on our spiritual armor and prepare for the long trek through the wilderness of time until we arrive at 2075, which will be the NEXT Jubilee Year.

    (Is anyone starting to see a pattern here?)

    It is nice that this Bible-based chronology has such a grand constellation of close dates so that gullible and weak-minded true believers can be led by the nose from one date to another until they die. With luck, they will never even think, "I have wasted my one and only life in pursuit of a worthless dream."

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    They could always pick up on John Denton's research on this topic at

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