1975 Was Brought Up At the Meeting

by dismayed 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Oh yes, the old "good fruits" routine. Of course, they can define "good fruits" however they like. That's the best part of that argument. All they do is point to a world wide organization they have very little connection with (don't even know who's in charge most of the time!) and say that what it is doing proves they are good.

  • dismayed

    Dismayed, was the brother/sister in that skit witnesses during 1975?

    The MS played the part of the Dub. He's young, probably not even born yet in 75

    He may have been doing that deliberately after learning the truth about what was said about 1975, and trying to alert others to the fact. If not, he may just be completely clueless.

    Now thats a possibility! Maybe I have a secret aposta-friend right here at home!

  • wizardca

    Eh...couple years ago my JDub brother in law brought up 1975 to other family JDubs how they would approach being asked about it. I tuned out the reply, now I wish I hadn't. Darn it.

  • parakeet

    ".... J-Dubs produce good fruits...."

    That's good, because they certainly don't produce good Christians, or even good people.

  • Chalam

    "Wanted to ask him after the meeting if false prophecy was a good fruit."


  • WuzLovesDubs

    The only thing they got right about 1975 was that it came after 1974 and before 1976.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    They always talk bad about politicians, yet they are not different,...they are diplomatic (not answering questions),....

    they lie,...they think they are elite,...they promise fantasy and concept,...they like using rhetoric speeches,...they criticise their opponents ("CHRISTENDOM, ROMAN CATHOLIC, etc,etc")-not intellectual criticism,....

    african GB member

  • trebor

    Regardless of how 1975 was “defended” in the demonstration, hopefully it will get someone(s) to think about what was said.

    I recall a part in a District Convention once, where there was some sort of demonstration or experience where for one reason or another the one speaking made the statement, “Even if Jehovah’s Witnesses are wrong, it’s still the organization I want to be a part of”. That was followed by thunderous applause.

    I forgot about the experience and the response from the audience, until relatively recently when someone was posting what was the turning point for them in leaving the organization. I believe they were from Australia or Europe, but provided a similar if not the same aforementioned example which after hearing such a statement and realizing the audience’s reaction, he was stunned and knew something was wrong.

    For me the statement did nothing (Unfortunately – I must have had my cult-ears-and-think on), however for another it helped bring them out of the organization. Hopefully at that meeting some person(s) were affected in a way that will move them to at least think if not completely leave the organization.

  • undercover

    I agree that maybe this was a covert operation...

    1975 was 34 years ago...so odds are that a good many of the dubs in attendance weren't around then. And a couple of generations of 'born-ins' are too young to remember the details of how things were in the late 60s/early 70s. There are many younger elders who have no clue as to what happened then. They only repeat the company line when it comes to WT history.

    By dropping this one little line, it could get someone who was actually paying attention, to think about it. If it sticks and they can't get a satisfying answer from a WT publication, they could turn to the Internet and pretty soon they'll learn the real deal.

    And we'll be welcoming them here...

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    My Brother who is an elder took part in a demo during a service meeting local needs talk just at the end of last year.. I've never heard of that happening during all my time in the org. The talk was to warn publishers in our congregation against having conversations with suspected apostates that could destroy their faith.

    The two elders then had what amounted to an apostate monologue!! , mentioning date setting like 1975 and other things that the apostates say. I have had many conversations with him which expressed these views and I considered the item to be directed to me. I thought at the time that it was possible he was using some kind of semaphore and that he was trying to alert others. Sadly it wasn't the case, but maybe it hit some nerves for some in the audience...

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