Please tell me this is possible.....if it IS possible...

by lavendar 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    Thanks, loosie.....I just might take you up on that. :o)

  • Elsewhere

    They can only obtain the IP address of the computer that sent the email. This is why it is best to send the email from a public computer... such as a library computer.

    Even if they did get your IP address, it is useless to them without the search warrant or subpoena from a judge. So don't commit any crimes and you are ok.

    If I were you, I wouldn't worry about that. You're biggest enemy will be your writing style.

    You're IP address COULD come back to haunt you if they save the email and are smart enough to figure out your IP Address... and then later on you send them another email as yourself from the same IP Address....... OOPS! GOTTACHA!

    Go to the library!

  • drwtsn32
    So, there's no way a person can obtain another person's IP address from an email?

    It depends.

    If you do email through SMTP/POP3 using a program on your computer (like Outlook Express), then yes, your IP address (the computer from which you sent the message) is almost positively in the message headers.

    If you use webmail, it's iffy. Some webmail services will put your IP in the header, others don't.

  • wizardca

    If they can view email headers (which is entirely possible) they could look at the header and possibly see the originating IP Address (the one your computer uses) and compare to emails you sent from your account. Personally unless they are overly curious if it was from someone they know, I doubt they would go and do that. Just don't send it from work...more likely they will be able to figure out it's from you.

    My 2 cents at least.

  • lavendar

    Okay; sounds like I'm off to the library! Thanks so much you guys! :o)

  • oompa

    maybe the cia.....or sim.....oompa

  • Elsewhere

    > maybe the cia.....or sim.....oompa

    There are ways to hide even from the NSA, but it is very hard to setup and if you make one single mistake a bunch of guys in black SWAT gear will come crashing in through every door and window in your house.

  • recovering

    you can always use a proxy server by the way folks, they will mask your ip address

    here is one you can download there are others that you just access from the web

  • carla

    Don't know about the computer end of it but I will tell you my jw attempted the same thing in reverse and it did not bode well for my jw on my end. Mine pretended to be someone they were not and that only lent credence for the whole theocratic warfare thingy. My jw will never, ever be able to live that one down.

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