Jehovhah's Witnesses Once Again America's Fastest Growing Church

by David2002 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • David2002

    According to the 2009 edition of the Yeabook of American and Canadian Churches, Jehovah's Christian Witnesses are once again the fastest group in the United States. Meanwhile the Roman Cathollic Church and the Southern Baptist Convention lost thousands of members. While the growht rate of the Witnesses was 2.12%, based mainly on those that actively preach the good news, it was the highest growth percentage when compared to other groups. Most of major groups in the US had a decline or flat membership. For more info see links at:

  • leavingwt

    They truly must be God's people.

    (Wait, there are one billion Muslims. Them Jehovah's need to catch up!)

  • cab1000

    I think they are still counting my wife and I. So how accurate is it really?

  • watson

    I did the tract work in the last year, so I guess they are counting me too.

    Got the invite from the PO, so went along for the ride. Interesting. Keeps me in the loop.


    Nobody told them I`m gone either!.....Are we really to believe,the Champion of Number Fudging(WBT$) has the fastest growing religion?.....I simply don`t believe any information the WBT$ hands out to the Public......

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    More active members leave the Jehovah's Witness religion than any other church in America.

    They still are bringing in a significant number through the front door.

    Even though all those with an intelligent mind are figuring things out and leaving through the back door, the heavy recruitment efforts and the emphasis on getting kids to "publish" at an early age are helping to pad the stats.

    The trend may continue, but you will probably see the rate of the mass exodus start to overtake the influx soon.

    Free flow of information will soon become to powerful to ignore.


    The Oracle

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I would question where they got their statistics from.

    I'll bet a national government census would have some very different numbers

  • WTWizard

    Now, the truth. I have the fake cult called "The Flying Spaghetti Monster's Witnesses". And it has 600,000,000 members--making it the fastest growing religion on the planet. And...I just picked out the number out of a hat.

    This is exactly the same principle that the witlesses use. They play with 7 million for a couple of years, falling just short of it for a while. They do that by design--to get people's hopes of their failure to cross it up. Then they fake a few more slips, hound a few more people, double count a few more people, start counting children as soon as they are born--and, precisely when they want to push the numbers beyond 7 million, their fabricated numbers will do the job. They cross 7 million, it sets off trouble within and without the congregation (more houndings and guilt trips), and they get the illusion of being the fastest growing religion on the planet.

    Now, I wonder what they are going to do when the census comes out. They are going to find the truth, since people that get fake time slips turned in on their behalf are going to report being atheist on the census. Or, they are going to claim some other denomination, or that they are unaffiliated with any religion. Some will claim to be a whole different category--Muslim or Far Eastern religions. A few will even be honest Devil worshipers. But, none are going to claim to be Jehovah's Witlesses on the census.

    If I get a census slip and get that question, I am going to be honest and tell them that I am unaffiliated with any religion. Then, if they are turning in fake time slips in my behalf, I will add to the discrepancy between what they say and the truth.

  • sspo

    7 million witnesses........2.2% increase .........that's 154000 new ones.

    That's approx. 1.3 per congregation.

    It's nothing but children under pressure to get baptized so that parents can look good in the congregation.

    Most of them as we know drop out later on.

  • passwordprotected

    We need to remember that growth is one of the WTS's published key-identifyers of the 'true religion'. Therefore in order for JWs to be in the truth, there needs to be growth. How they get/report that growth, well, that's between them and Jehovah.

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