Has anyone seen this Watchtower article before?

by T.F. 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mostlydead

    Welcome Quebec! I've been married to a diligent anti-trinity scholar for 30 years. He has files and files of word studies and WT articles (of course) and some secular writings as well. Not being wildly interested in the subject myself, I never thought to question his research. It's a subject that he and I have been able to discuss calmly, and I appreciate you sharing the benefits of your studies here. I hope some day he'll see that doctrinal things are not as iron clad as he thinks they are now.

  • yknot

    Okay I must admit I am a bit stumped as to the significance of this WT comment.......

    I have heard this more or less all my life. Searching the CD I found a similar comment in 1998

    W98 9/1 p. 15 para. 7 ""Stay Close to Theocracy""


    ..... I do not see a connection with Trinity though.....

    Traditionally I understood the difference between Arians and Athanasians to be issues regarding the concept of co-equal and co-eternal versus created and lesser.

  • yknot


    I can't seem to ever get the quote boxes to work properly!

    W98 9/1 p. 15 para. 7 ""Stay Close to Theocracy""

    Paragraph 7...... In every organization, there must be some who exercise authority or provide direction. Jehovah’s Witnesses are no exception, and they observe the authority structure outlined by the apostle Paul: "The head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God." (1 Corinthians 11:3) In harmony with this, only qualified men serve as elders in the congregations. And although Jesus—"the head of every man"—is in heaven, there are still on earth "the remaining ones" of his anointed brothers, who have the hope of ruling with him in the heavens. (Revelation 12:17; 20:6) These make up the composite "faithful and discreet slave." Christians show their submission to Jesus, and therefore to Jesus’ head, Jehovah, by accepting the oversight of that "slave." (Matthew 24:45-47; 25:40) In this way, the theocracy is orderly. "God is a God, not of disorder, but of peace."—1 Corinthians 14:33.

  • fokyc

    They just love the word 'composite', it occurs 409 times on the CD-ROM

    Another one is 'qualified', 2526 times, they love using that in the KM's

    I doubt if they even really know what the two words mean!


  • T.F.

    Thanks to all for welcoming me to the board. Thanks ynot for presenting yet another article showing a composite unity of a "slave". I don't know how those quote boxes work either since I am a new poster here, but I'll have to get into that sooner or later. I never said the "slave" has something to do with the Trinity, it is the concept of the two that is somewhat similar. One is God, the other is "slave" or whatever that is.

    I had discussions on that subject of man being head of woman with the JWs. Yes, man is the head of the family, the wife, the church, but man and woman are also equal partners in their human nature. Does this also apply to God the Father being head of His Glorious Son, and yet they are also equal in their Divine Nature, and also Jesus is head of man, but equal not in the Divine sense, but only in their human nature? I read that interesting topic in the book "Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah's Witnesses" by Ron Rhodes, his gentle apologetics is a unique classic.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    The Witnesses stretch their "theocratic" theories like a condom over a bowling ball but they MAKE it fit no matter the bullshit that they have to spread on it to do it. Im still wondering after reading the Revelation book FOUR times...how the hell a book written as a DREAM a REVELATION a VISION... can be chocked full of things that are NOT literal and yet they can pull the 144,000 out of there and call THAT a literal number.

    Its like my mother saying, "Do it because I TOLD YOU SO!" and that should be sufficient for the rest of us.

  • truthsetsonefree
    I had never considered that that explanation is somewhat similar to the "Trinity."
    I think that it is an interesting viewpoint.

    Indeed, very interesting. JW's have no problem with any explanation so long as they are the ones coming up with it.


  • still_in74

    So far the JWs I have discussed this with are fully denying the FDS is a composite individual, they want to say they are "individuals" and avoid the word "slave" (singular) at all costs. They actually deny their so-called future rulers' writings and prefer to call them "individuals". What should I say to those JWs?

    i find that difficult to believe. Matt 24:45 clearly is talking about an individual slave - the faithful slave.

    How can anyone deny that is the case? That is why the WTS inserts the word "class" and "composite" - to make the connection of the individual slave in Matt 24:45 to the 144,000 annointed.

    According to the WTS they are annointed individuals that make up the slave "class". Whats the problem? (I mean beside the fact that the WTS is full of shit)

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