Why is it Politically correct to criticize Jews for Israels behavior....

by avishai 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips



  • Gregor

    Yeah, Burn with friends like this who needs enemies?

    Not hijacking, just swerved a little. But it does raise the question. Could the answer to my "why?" be as simple as this? I kind of think so.

  • Elsewhere

    I ain't going anywhere near this thread.

    Oh, wait, DAMNIT!

  • leavingwt


    Here you go...

    31% of Europeans Blame Financial Crisis on Jews


    I can't even make this stuff up!


  • BurnTheShips

    The Blacks whose forebears were enslaved in this country have been given more advantages since MLK and the Great Society, affirmitive action, etc. but still don't seem to be overcoming it. Some of their spokesmen (Sharpton, Jackson) have made sure that the election of Obama is not taken as a symbol that they are now equal, no, no. "There is still so much to be done to right the wrongs". Why?

    Incidentally, the advantages given blacks were not really advantages. Thomas Sowell has made the case that racists couldn't have designed a better program to destroy the black community. For the most part, Blacks didn't put that program in place.


  • Gregor

    Incidentally, the advantages given blacks were not really advantages. Thomas Sowell has made the case that racists couldn't have designed a better program to destroy the black community. For the most part, Blacks didn't put that program in place.


    Yes, Burn. That is my point. I think more and more people see that the worst thing you can do to a people is neutralize the core family culture and the values that go with it. Most of us realize that when the government became the "Daddy" they told the menfolk they were no longer needed or necessary except to make babies. They turned an entire class of people into pet hamsters that get a cage and a food pellet dispenser and are only needed as voters for Democrats on occasion. This has helped to reinforce the destructive mindset that they can't significantly advance as a people because they are being held back by prejudice. Then there are the parasitical self appointed spokesmen who are milking this for personal gain. A discouraging situation.

  • BurnTheShips

    It's codependence, Gregor. The government craves power, so they convince people that they are needed. The best way to destroy a man (or a people) is to make him dependent on you.

    Spiral down.

    Maybe having a black President will inspire enough members of the community to make a big difference. Every cloud has a silver lining, my beef is that Obama is reinforcing the failed message that created this problem in the first place.


  • watson

    my beef is that Obama is reinforcing the failed message that created this problem in the first place

    How so? Maybe better for another thread, but you have my attention.

  • BizzyBee

    my beef is that Obama is reinforcing the failed message that created this problem in the first place

    Yes, how so, Burnsie?

  • avishai

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