I am getting a visit - help me prepare for it!!!

by eyeslice 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Eye when are they supposed to come?

  • Jim_TX

    I seem to remember one (or two) of those 'visits'. They occurred pretty much the same as what you described in your opening post - that is - the wife (now ex-wife) would come and tell me that 'the elders want to drop by on xxx night to visit with you' - or some such. If I recall correctly - it was also the Circuit Overseer amongst the group of two elders.

    It is pretty easy to get through... all you do is allow them to come in - say their prayer (which I usually didn't listen to) - then they read a few scriptures to 'encourage' - ask a few questions - then leave.

    I would be all humble - mumble 'yes' a few times - and it was over.

    They rarely ever came back - or sent word through the wifey about anything after that. From what I gathered - it was pretty much a 'show the C.O. that we're trying to get everyone back' type of thing. All for his benefit.

    Also - I think it gave the wife (did I mention she's an ex-wife?) a reason to not listen to me anymore - and disregard my opinions - as I was considered an 'unbelieving mate'. (Is that phrase trademarked?)

    So... go ahead and have the meeting - you're intelligent - just be careful what you say, and you should be okay.


    Jim TX

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