"fullness of the Gentiles"

by RR 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • waiting

    Carmel, you fool,

    Just consider me an ongoing nightmare that will not go away. - Scorpion

    That could fit either one of us, don't you think, Big Boy? Little genitals don't bother women much. Better than nothing.....

    Besides, RR and larc are going canvassing this weekend in tight jeans. Might be a better show that I thought. Especially if you grunge on over there with them.


  • Carmel

    ...what you mean "fool"? I rest my case!

    Besides, I've my own parade! Wanna buy a wrist rocket and go slummin in Gaza?


  • Scorpion

    Carmel and waiting,

    You two sure know how to take a discussion into a different realm of meaning.

    (((BIG GRIN)))

  • waiting

    Hey Scorpion,

    Didn't mean to take this discussion down to slummin' with Carmel in Gaza, however, the enticement of a wristwatch has me curious.

    Carmel's the resident stud around here. "A Monument in His Own Mind."
    Red and I just try to keep him humble, which is terribly hard. But we give it our best shot. Half the fun is the chase.....

    I'm glad we got a (((BIG GRIN))) from you. Makes it all worth while on a fake New Year's Eve at home.....

    Ok., you and RR can have your Serious Discussion back - but if Carmel comes back - expect Red or me shortly thereafter.


  • Carmel

    I beg your parden! I never claimed to curl the hair of my guests! My cappuccino is nuttin but cafine at its finest! gotta have some kinda buzz outa life!


  • waiting

    Carmel, you fool,

    Here I was trying to be polite and all that to Scorpion. I don't even know what you're talking about, fool.

    Anyone who lives in the desert must be on a natural buzz. Only way to survive.

    I beg your parden!

    Oh, I doubt it......


  • Gozz

    let's bring this topic back up.
    Does this imply that when the 144,000 are gathered there would be a mass conversion of natural jews?

  • Carmel

    ....perhaps, but not to christianity....

  • Gozz

    Carmel expresses an incomplete thought...let's read what you've got to write, pls.

  • Carmel

    Holy cow Gozz, you gonna make me get serious? Well, let's see how many feathers I can ruffle...My personal opinion is that Judiasm, Christianity and Islam have all spent their perverbial "wad" and none of them are going to see any serious resurgance or reform. All of them are split into splinter groups, arguing with each other while the world passes them by. The Torah, the Bible and the Koran were all in their time rejuvenating and creative. The light is flickering and needs an injection of divinity that IMHO will not happen within. The Jews are still looking for the Messiah, the Christians the "return of Christ" and in spite of the Muslims claiming Muhammed was the "seal of the prophets" most of them are looking for the return of the 12th Imam, the Quiem, and the return of Jesus.

    Personally, I think they are all literalists and materialists and have their fingers thrust into their auditory and visual organs.

    There now you went and goofed up my perfectly good day!

    the stumblebumb

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