i have my 3-d eye glasses....and i saw two really old ladies today...

by oompa 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    no i did not see them with the 3-d glasses....i just did not want to do two seperate threads...they have nothing to do with the old ladies

    the old ladies at th grocery store........one in a wheelchair trying to get out of it and into the car...the other old lady trying to help her had to be her daughter.....she looked about 75...the mother looked at least 95....i just sat and watched the whole process....it went very very slowly. I must confess, i look at old people a lot...esp nice old coulples that you can tell have been married 50 years. They all make me think....and i dont like what i think.

    I really dread going there and i do not think it is fair. This may be due to being raised i would never grow old...much less die. i guess i dont mind the dying so much as that may now be a new adventure or not.....but that aging thing....shit i hate god for that if he is still around. i guess this is the one thing i wish the dubs were right about....not aging and living for ever...or even a thousand years would be nice....cause for sure satan would have my ass once he is let out again!....cause i love fun and sinning....and most sins are damm fun!.......btw...i dont want mankind killed...well...maybe the really really rotton aholes.....but i think if we lived in health for a really really long time.....and populated the earth....and then other planets....and grew into the huge universe...maybe we would never get bored.......

    I had this spunky old lady as a bible study once....she was 72....and we pretty much grew to love each other...i would take her places since she never learned to drive....i knew her for 7 years and for six of them i took her to see her old dying husband....she got mad at god because he would not let her husband die....it was a nice home he was in...but i never got used to the smells and odors and the sight i saw of near corpses sitting in wheel chairs parked in the hallways....her husband had his leg amputated...but not all at once...THREE TIMES over three years til it was all gone....i remember her almost yell about "why is god taking my frank in pieces!".....she was right...it was cruel....finally he died....i remeber telling my dad and others that this wonderful old lady did not have a cruel bone in her body, and i dont thing she had ever sinned in her life....so she may have actually been an angel....i told them how i did not thing there was anyway god could EVER kill such a nice lady at armageddon.....fortunatley for her....she died in her sleep...so she will now be resurrected......................oompa

  • Elsewhere

    Don't worry... the Singularity will be here before you get old and then you will be able to upgrade your mind into a god-like being who is a trillion times smarter than humans are today.

    Stay alive until '75!!!

  • oompa

    Sorry elsewhere...what is the Singularity?....i only remember the word from a Star Trek.............oomps

  • Elsewhere

    Moore ’s law states that computing power doubles about every 18 months. Some time around the year 2035 or 2045 the growth of computing power will begin to approach infinity. When that happens, you have the Singularity. Technology will advance so fast that computers, and augmented humans, will be so advanced and intelligent that to us they will appear god like. Augmented humans will also have to option of "uploading" their minds into computers, effectively making them immortal.

    A good introduction to the idea is:


    Well.... that's the prediction anyway. We'll have to wait and see if it really happens.

  • dinah

    Keep your sense of humor Oomps. My friends were all talking about what we can do to make our hoverounds go faster. We're prolly gonna race them.

    My Grandma's sister is 92. Her kids are in their late 60's early 70's. Her great-grandchildren help out. Wow, sometimes longevity does't sound so spiffity.

  • crapola

    Oompa, my sister was talking to some of the sisters in her congregation the other day about growing older and all the wrinkles,etc.

    They also mentioned the effect of gravity on the body as well. It made one of them remember a story about a woman who was so depressed about aging that she wanted to commit suicide. So she called her Dr. and asked him where exactly the heart is located. He said, "It's right under your left breast". Well, the next morning the headlines in the local newspaper read

    "Woman tries to commit suicide. Shoots self in left knee".

    So we all have alot to look forward to or dread, which ever way you want to look at it.

  • Leolaia
    Moore’s law states that computing power doubles about every 18 months. Some time around the year 2035 or 2045 the growth of computing power will begin to approach infinity. When that happens, you have the Singularity. Technology will advance so fast that computers, and augmented humans, will be so advanced and intelligent that to us they will appear god like. Augmented humans will also have to option of "uploading" their minds into computers, effectively making them immortal.

    It's a cool idea, but why do I have the feeling that this is the 21st-century equivalent of Fifties-era people thinking that we'd all be driving flying cars and taking weekend vacations to the Moon by the 1990s?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    OK, Oompa, here's the next step in your evolution:

    Next time you watch two old women struggling to help themselves, get off your ass, go over to them and politely ask if you might be of assistance.

    We will make a White Knght out you yet...

  • oompa

    nathan...they were not struggling...just very very slow....and though i thought about it...i could have easily hurt the mom...they knew what they were doing

    and thanks crapola.....lmao...i love that......an elder friend in my old hall actually joked his wife has to roll her boobs up at night with hair rollers...........oompa

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Oomp, I'm not trying to bust your chops, but you really can't know unless you ASK them if you might be able to help.

    They might tell you to go off and pleasure yourself, or they might be grateful for the one remaining gentleman.

    It is too easy too rationalize doing nothing. You're better than that. You're a superhero.

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