A Sad Example of JW Brainwashing /Twisted Thinking

by puppylove 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • BoozeRunner

    Puppy, and all, this is very sad. The braiwashing is so effective. Even in the face of facts, most JWs will DENY DENY DENY the truth.

    My most shocking evidence of this is when I told a lifelong friend about the UN/WBTS connection shortly after it was revealed. She stated that it must be apostate lies. I told her about the Guardian article, and she pretty much said that we dont know what "unknown" motives the auhor may have had-"he probably has an axe to grind against the WBTS" is the way she put it in so many words.

    What makes this response SO shocking to me? Well, we have talked at legnth about the damage the WBTS does thru DFing and other policies, and how it ruins lives. YES, she has been DF'd for about 17 years!!! She has vowed not to ever go back. But even thru all this, she says,"It is my religion."

    I say, IT IS HER CULT, and she, even DF'd and NEVER going back, still defends them. Now THAT is brainwashing.


  • larc

    I talk to my JW sister on the phone long distance about once a month and it is always very friendly and very lengthy. About once a year, her and her husband and me and my wife meet about half way between our houses for dinner. We have an unspoken rule not to talk about the religion. She knows where I stand and I know where she stands. There are many times when I would like to bring up an issue, like the UN thing, but I don't because I know it will do no good. If she ever becomes troubled over doubts, she knows she can talk to me or my wife. Until then, I just leave it alone.

  • SEAKEN2001


    I have taken the same path here. Everyone close to me here is still an active JW. They think I've been stumbled and have been brainwashed by the "apostates". We get nowhere when we try to talk relgion. So, I just don't bring it up anymore. I let things go by that I used to use to start up little conversations. Just ends up in arguments and I'm always the evil one. I'll be there when they are ready but I've decided to just keep what I know to myself and let them live out their fantasy lives.

    When I go back home though, the tables are turned. Back home all my family has left except my grandma. Yet, even then, when grandma or my wife are around we clam up, knowing it will not sit well with the JW's. So sad.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I get frustrated when just about any topic that comes up cannot be discussed seriously or even in fun because you know it might lead to the taboo area.
    A couple of months ago it was Sept 11
    then the taliban
    then US might need to call upon NGOs
    then Harry potter
    disciplining children
    kids report cards
    close relative in trouble
    now its christmas
    the list is endless
    makes for very sad, superficial relationships and where marriage is concerned the "one flesh" quickly or slowly but either way becomes two

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