How to fade quickly and get off the JW "radar screen"

by sir82 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • asilentone

    If I do that and the person doing the favor for me, if we get caught by the gestapo, what will happen to us? Just wondering.

  • truthsetsonefree

    The moving thing would probably have worked for me. But my then spouse pulled the plug on the move. I would have had more friends stick by me if she hadn't.


  • SnakesInTheTower

    I was too paranoid as a secretary. We discussed this possibility in MTS...we were told never give a card directly to a publisher no matter who they were.. If it was not in the metro area of about 150 congregations (I had an updated list of POs and secretaries), I would call the Society and get the info that way. Then I contacted the secretary via the information Service gave me.

    I liked the idea though. Nothing official on how to handle it other than not to give cards or letters directly to the publisher.

    Snakes (of the "formerly a paranoid secretary covering his a$$" Sheep Class)

  • Farkel

    :If I do that and the person doing the favor for me, if we get caught by the gestapo, what will happen to us? Just wondering.

    Jehovah's Witnesses and their leaders are very proud of their "Christian Freedom."



  • Gayle


  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    When I got out many, many years ago, I told the PO who was also the secretary that I lost interest and did not want to be involved in it anymore. About a week later he showed up, and I then told him politely that if he showed up again, I would press charges. He never came back.

    After so many years have passed, we finally cross paths again. I shake his hands-he shakes mine, we both smile and say a few pleasantries. We both communicate very freely and it has been that way ever since.

    In short, I felt my attitude torward him was not right, so I sort of tried to mend the situation by at least giving a sincere, friendly smile.. I have prayed for him on occassion. I really feel that he agrees with my reasoning, but it is up to him. Now his family and his relatives are coming around. TIME is the healer.

    As far as the records are concerned, I could care less! Jehovah does'nt need my numbers or statistics to see if I will make it, he's going to be checking my heart, and I hope it's good.

    Good thread- Sir82

    Your Friend, Truth and Justice

  • WTWizard

    I just went to two different congregations. I would fake them out, making them think I was going to eventually switch, but never officially do it. And I started leaving both congregations hanging.

  • shopaholic

    I knew a zealous pioneer that lived in a small town and when she moved her elders gave her the pub card and intro letter to take with it happens. However, she actually did deliver them to the new congo as soon as she arrived.

    After attempting a slow fade, I know think the best way to fade may be to simply say, "I don't want to do this anymore." and simply don't do it anymore. Tip-toeing around the witnesses and trying to fade undercover almost drove me crazy, literally. For many, your life is still "on hold" while you are fading. Its absolutely exhausting.

    I say just quit playing their game and leave them to play the mind games with each other.

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