Why do ex-Dubs become either liberal or conservative?

by Alpaca 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpaca

    I am just curious about what factors have made you find your niche in either the liberal or the conservative mindset.

    For myself, even when I was a Dub I almost always found liberal arguments much more persuasive than those of conservative thinkers. I attributed it, in part, to my Dub-shaped thinking...i.e., the desire to see people living in peace, the fair distribution of resources and wealth, enough food, clothing and adequate housing for all, etc.

    Personally, I think that liberal thinking is more mature thinking. Here is why: I believe that liberals are generally willing to look at a bigger picture of things and peer down the road to anticpate the tomorrow's ramifications for the things we do today.

    Some of the discussions on this board, where it is impossible to escape taking a stand as a liberal or a conservative, have turned into bizarre screaming matches between the participants. Or, at the very least the comments are oftern just blatantly insultive.What's up with that???

    Among ex-Dubs, I would have expected a little more reasonable, measured thought about issues instead of the close-minded Dub-type of blanket condemnation of any viewpoint at odds with a person's own views.

    I am sure I will receive a ration of sh!t for my comments...oh well, it is what it is.

  • watson

    I notice too that many exjws fall into two other camps as well. Fundie Religions, or Athiests. Extreme differences.

  • JimmyPage

    I'm totally with you on this, Alpaca. I always leaned left as a Dub, too. And I agree the shouting matches about it are just silly.

  • Alpaca

    Many of the issues that confront the human species have some scientific component.

    Science is a search for the truth...period. Sometimes I don't think conservatives appreciate that.

    In the purest sense, for a scientist there is no agenda, no "position" to defend, science just wants reasonable answers to reasonable questions.

    Does this mission get subverted? Of course it does. But, in the end science and the quest for truth prevails and our understanding of the world and its processes continues to grow.

    It is interesting to see the differences in how liberals and conservatives weigh scientific information.

  • AllTimeJeff
    Some of the discussions on this board, where it is impossible to escape taking a stand as a liberal or a conservative, have turned into bizarre screaming matches between the participants. Or, at the very least the comments are oftern just blatantly insultive.What's up with that???

    I couldn't agree with you more.

    I don't mean this to be insulting, but sometimes I wonder if people realize that just because they are no longer JW's and are now allowed to think without JW consequences, that doesn't mean they are correct.

    I am more liberal in thinking, because it is more moral then current conservative thought, which tends to be exclusionary.

    I for one don't fight. I exchange ideas. If I wanted to watch arguements, I would turn on CSPAN.


    Personally, I found the constant feeding by the toothless and incontinent slave to be old. I loved to just read for myself. To discover the truth that had been kept from me. This feircly independent streak still follows me as I am in constant hot water with many of the leaders in the church I attend over their own sloppiness.

    I was turned off to a lot of the left, namely because of where I was raised. In that small town there were tons of burned-out ex-hippies. I got tired of their mindless mantras against those that believed that America was somehting to be admired.

    I respect those of differing political views, provided they respect my own. What turns me off most about the left is the utter disregard, disrespect and utter contempt they have for those who have a differing views.

  • AllTimeJeff
    I respect those of differing political views, provided they respect my own. What turns me off most about the left is the utter disregard, disrespect and utter contempt they have for those who have a differing views.

    I am on the left, and I respect you!

    Of course, I often think the right shows utter disregard, disrespect and utter contempt for those with different view. Or maybe thats just Rush and Hannity.

  • jaguarbass

    I consider myself a moderate middle of the road person at the crossroads of where the 2 parties

    meet. I cant really make sense of American politics any more. The republican party used to stand

    for conservative values. But they are anything but that. They are for war and Wellfare for big

    corporations. The last republican president took a balanced budget and the best economy in the

    world and bankrupted it.

    Thankfully we have changed parties, but I dont know who or what will hold the democrats

    in check when they get out of hand with their spending.

    If things were black and white, which they are not. I would be more in favor of giving everyone

    and education and healt care vs's being world policemen or worse than that imperialist.

    Then again there comes a time when education only produces educated fools.

    Bush is a harvard Graduate. Something didnt take or work with his education.

    Unless the only thing an education teaches you is how to screw your fellow man.

    What I think we need rather than advanced higher education for everyone is jobs for everyone.

    Jobs that provide living wages and health care and retirement.

    The kind of jobs that the harvard educated politicians and business leaders have exported

    out of the USA.

    Saying all of that I guess I am a secular humanist and a humanitarian which would tell you

    I voted democrat. But I am registered Republican.

    Which is my way of saying I am independent and vote for what I think is best for my pocketbook

    and the country. Which is pretty synonymous.

  • Alpaca


    Thanks for the thoughtful commentary. Even though I am a registered dem, I would like to see a strong 3rd party emerge. I voted for Nader in 2000, more as a protest than with any real expectation that the vote would effect any change.

    Anyway you cut it, unless we get the lobbyists and the special interest influence out of Washington, nothing is going to change. And BTW, the foregoing suggestion is never going to happen.

    Sometimes I despair about how the future of our democracy will unfold.

    Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is a bad form of government....unfortunately, it's the best thing we've got.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Of course, I often think the right shows utter disregard, disrespect and utter contempt for those with different view. Or maybe thats just Rush and Hannity.

    Left and right are two sides of the same banana. Really folks, there is equal vile from either side depending on who you talk to, and equal respect. Respectful people often don't garner the attention that vermin do, sadly. As far as ex jw's being either extreme, another false generalization. I, for one, am moderate, and I am far from being alone.

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