New issue of THE WITCHTOWER: The Internet - Satan's trap

by processor 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • civicsi00

    Oh man this is good stuff!

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    Very Funny Thank you for translating

  • Mickey mouse
  • hihopes2008
  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Superb, and written in typical WT style. Was it the same author who once wrote "is it suitable for JWs to own cats ?"

  • Berean

    Someone put some effort in that issue. Absolutely priceless! Thanks,

  • processor
    Was it the same author who once wrote "is it suitable for JWs to own cats ?"

    No. When I was in the process of leaving JW's, I found this cat article. I think it inspired me to later create the Erbrechet! magazine.

  • JimmyPage

    The "Should Christians Own Cats?" article was a big reason I kept reading threads on this site in the early days. I'm a sucker for good humor. The fake WT covers were great, too. Love this kind of stuff. So spot on. Keep 'em coming!

  • JimmyPage

    I like how it quotes "wikipedia" as a source for the article about the dangers of the internet... saying, you know, it's okay for the Society to get its info from the web, but not safe for us! Sound familiar?

  • processor
    I like how it quotes "wikipedia" as a source for the article about the dangers of the internet

    I think it's common among JWs to do exactly what they forbid. Many elders complain about young sisters' look with words like "You look like a harlot". I always wondered why elders know exactly how harlots are dressed!

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