What steps did you take to stop your association with the congregation?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Simple. I started cutting back sharply on boasting session attendance and field circus. Eventually, when I realized that they were still not going to fix the problems (telling me to just meet men) that led to that, one day I decided simply not to ever set foot inside a Kingdumb Hell or out in field circus again--and I still never will.

  • alamb

    I had no idea my last time in a KH would be the last time. It just unravelled. Thinking back, it started the first time I was in a KH.

  • wobble

    Similar story,

    Having removed myself as a Mincer,

    (2006)I stopped talks on the School, eventually stopped Field Circus coz "Bile Teach" book taught 1914, I said NOT in the Bible,this was Spring 2007.

    Then decided in early 2008 that WTBS, esp. GB, was blasphemously taking the place of Jesus,went to 2008 Memorial and one meeting after,stopped never to go back.

    It's good to be free!



  • ex-nj-jw

    Just stopped going.


  • snowbird

    I just stopped going - period.


  • passwordprotected

    Studied the 1914 doctrine, saw conclusively that it was absolutely bogus, had a mild panic attack realising that I'd been duped by a cult my entire life, resigned as an elder, stopped going to meetings immediately, disassociated 'by my actions' a couple of months later.

  • chickpea

    i didnt know i was technically in a fade
    until i followed a totally unrelated link
    to a link to a link to rick ross's site and
    ended up at JWD....

    huge family issues had sorta
    incapacitated me, so in rapid succession
    i dropped field service, meeting participation
    meeting attendance, answering phone calls,
    started dodging around corners to prevent
    "where have you been?" awkward convos

    i realized that i wasnt in anguish over my
    relationship with god, but with
    my relationship to a CHURCH!
    (thaaat's right!!! i said church!)

    i dont remember the last "meeting"
    i attended.... but i did go to one funeral
    (never again) and my last memorial was 2007

  • Quirky1

    Resigned from MS and account servant. I started growing a goatee and they took me off the school and mics and wouldn't let me answer, like I really wanted to. Then I just quit going. I guess it took a whole week or two.

  • Robert7

    I did the unplanned fade like many others, but what I find ironic is how the brothers 'supported' the fade.

    So if I'm 'down' (fading away) you would think they would try to encourage me by getting me involved, making me feel like part of the congregation again... it was the opposite... If I don't go out in service enough, I can't say prayer. I can't handle the mics, or any other 'priviledges'. The one thing I got to do that I enjoyed was reading at book study, and THAT was taken away due to poor service numbers.

    It was as if the brothers were encouraging my fade by further removing the things that would keep me in... Glad they helped!

  • Quirky1
    how the brothers 'supported' the fade?

    I've pondered on this also. Not one of them tried to help me when I started slipping away. I gave them plenty of signs.

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