A surprise in my Christmas tree

by Princess 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    We cut a Christmas tree this afternoon at a u-cut lot about one hundred miles from home. We were on our way home from my mother-in-law's house and thought we'd start a new tradition. We had ideas of tromping through the woods with the kids looking for the perfect tree. We wanted a Noble fir with strong branches but they were puny. There were lots of pretty grand firs and douglas firs but the kids and I followed the prince across acres of trees. Both kids tripped and fell a couple of times. Both kids cried each time they fell. I was wondering what the prince was looking for and finally my five year old said "can't we just cut down a tree and go home?". I started carefully checking out all the trees the prince was walking by. Finally after walking 'round one a couple of times I called him back and declared I had found the tree. It wasn't perfect, a grand fir, nicely shaped with none of the big open holes that the prince's pick of last year had. He didn't pause, just knelt down and cut it down. "Is the tree alive?" my son asked. "Not anymore" I said. "Daddy just killed it, but we'll put it in water and it'll keep drinking it until Christmas."

    Then came the process of preparing the tree for the 100 mile journey home. We wrapped it in a big blue tarp and carefully put it on top of the minivan. He tied it down snug and I had visions of returning home with a trunk and sticks with needles scattered from Napavine to Edmonds. It made it home. He pounded it on the driveway to dislodge the loose needles and we put it in the stand in front of the window of honor. We decided that was enough excitement for the day and we will decorate it Monday evening.

    We put the kids to bed and I spent a bit of time here on the board catching up with the new posts of the weekend. When we wandered back into the livingroom to admire our tree once more, some brown twigs caught my eye. I said "what is that?" and reached inside the tree adn pulled out a bird's nest. Perfectly shaped and long abandoned, a lovely bird's nest made it all the way from that u-cut tree farm to our livingroom without any of us seeing it. We decided to leave it there and decorate around it, or maybe even decorate the nest to highlight it. How many people get to have a christmas tree with such a special gift tucked inside? Our tree held small lives for a short time, then watched them fly away into the great blue skies. I think that's pretty special and I can't wait to show my kids in the morning.


  • Prisca

    That is beautiful, even more so because it's true.

    Thank you for sharing stories of your sweet family, Princess

  • LB

    That is so cool Princess. The perfect ornament, I'd highlight that nest as best you can. Maybe run a light inside of it. Our Christmas tree lives much closer to home as we live up in the mountains. One day this week we are going to take a hike out back and find it.

    After 3 years we are both wondering how those elders are going to feel when they drive past our home this Christmas and see the lights. We've decided we could care less about getting DFed, it means as much to us now as if we got DFed from the Taliban.

  • Billygoat

    Princess, that is so cool! I think it's awesome that you can see the beauty in little gifts of life like that. Sometimes they come so unexpectedly that you wonder what lesson is to be learned in it. You sound like a fantastic mother! But then again, you've had a wonderful example, huh?

    Merry Christmas to you and all the redheads!


  • Mulan

    That is so neat, honey. Dad and I talked yesterday about getting a tree one day, not this year. We saw Rosemary trees at Trader Joe's, and he really liked those. I may go get one. It would be a perfect table-top, beginner tree.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • DannyBear


    After a 46# turkey (I know, Iam obsessing) you certainly are entitled to a 'beginer tree'.

    Just interested, the reason you have obstained from having a tree? Jwdom would be my first guess, but maybe you had other reasons?

    Like maybe cleaning up after the damn thing, or just the fact that it had to be killed to decorate your home?


  • RationalWitness

    Sounds like a great tree ornament. Should delight your kids.


    P.S. Happy Holiday!

  • Mulan

    Hi DannyBear, We had always felt we wouldn't do Christmas. Too much trouble and all that. This year, with the grandkids, we are feeling a bit different. I know they will ask where our tree is. They wondered why we didn't have Jack O'lanters at Halloween. One of my husband's concerns is fires, from trees. He works in construction, doing mainly repairs, and has had to go into lots of homes that have had fires from their trees, and there are always several fires in our area every year. I told him I would want an artificial tree anyway, a smaller sized one, than most get. We will get into it gradually.

    Also, my mother is still a witness, and I haven't wanted to hurt her by openly celebrating Christmas. My Dad tells her everything, and lives with us, so I am just being cautious.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • DannyBear


    You certainly owed me no explanation by any means. Here you are a 'walking dead apostate' yet concerned for the feeling's of your close relatives. Makes one wonder who really are 'apostate', eh?

    Of course jw's will interpret that you have a guilty conscience, or some other irrational wt 'think'. You can't win for losing, trying to appease them, can we? Well your actions speak louder than their words, for sure.

    Merry Christmas...an no qualms, no guilt, no reservations!


    Edited for stupid mistakes.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Princess, that's so sweet! Enjoy your little gift.

    We have a small artificial bird in a nest that gets a place of honor in our tree every year. It doesn't require the careful handling that a real nest does, which is good 'cause little hands love to check it out .

    I dug out all of PD's great-grandma's costume jewelry and hung the shiniest rhinestone things on the tree. Looks really kewl with the lights on.

    Isn't it fun making your own holiday magic?

    Merry Christmas,

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