The Obama Prayerfest......freaked me out.......

by oompa 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • FormerMormon

    They had an Obama Orgasm on a major exmormon site. You couldn't even suggest cultic tactics at play without being shouted down. You would think a site dedicated to cult recovery would help people see the tools of manipulation. I think many there just traded a religious cult for a political cult. Maybe for some, you can take the man out of the cult, but you can't take the cult out of the man.

    After seeing some videos of some HOT ex JW's the other day, I thought "Damn, I was born into the wrong cult".


    Former Mormon

    "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." Denis Diderot

  • kurtbethel
    Isn't Congress opened every day with a prayer?

    Congress preys all day while in session.

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