"But there are always new ones coming in"

by Farkel 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Yeah but it's not any worse than what some Bible writers believed is it? For instance:

    2 Thess 2:9 When the wicked one appears, Satan will pretend to work all kinds of miracles, wonders, and signs. 10 Lost people will be fooled by his evil deeds. They could be saved, but they will refuse to love the truth and accept it. 11 So God will make sure that they are fooled into believing a lie. 12 All of them will be punished, because they would rather do evil than believe the truth.
  • verystupid77

    YOu are so right.

    Pedphiles, pedophiles, pedophiles. They do not care who get hurts only that they look good. So no one can know who the pedoplile brother is. Just so their name looks good only numbers that is all they care about.

  • verystupid77

    This also reminds me of when I was at Bethel. My overseers hated so many of the brothers there one of his saying was that 70 percent were there for the free stuff like food and shalter. I was just blown away. Like that was so great. My overseer did not care about anyone. He hated most of the brothers. He hated me. It is all so sad. It caused me so much pain even till this day. I wanted to service Jehovah not the free stuff like he said.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I also recall being enraged when reading Crisis that the GB felt that they had to totally control EVERY aspect of the rank and files' lives because "they cant be trusted". If they stopped the reporting of time, the sheep wouldnt go out there voluntarily and SELL SELL SELL for the publishing company and so they had to keep that nonbiblical system in place to control the masses.

    That pissed me off no end. Care about the people? Hell no they dont care. No more than the Pharisees "cared"

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    My mom, who hates to read, is almost finished reading Crisis of Conscience. She couldn’t put the book down. Slowly but surely she is walking away. Thankfully she never believed that only witnesses would be saved. I will post our journey at a later date. It may give others hope that it can be done.

    At the moment I am rereading 30 Years a Watchtower Slave by William Schnell. He helped form the structure of the organization back in Germany. I highly recommend it.

    I’m reminded of a job I had many years ago at a radio station. We were a dime a dozen yet without us the station would not have been able to function. But as you said, at least you get paid for your services. We could also freely leave at any time without guilt.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I hate that the JWs equate leaving THEM with leaving GOD by saying that when people leave they were "never a part of us anyway and should be shunned. As long as they claim that they and they ALONE are the only Christians, they can apply those scriptures that say to shun people who leave and that those who leave THEM go into darkness.

    Its a brilliant way to control and manipulate and guilt and humiliate trusting people into subservience to them. Those classless idiots running this organization are only in it for themselves. They get a free ride for life and dont have to do a damn thing but whip the slaves.

  • WTWizard

    If I am going to worship the Devil, at least I am going to be honest about it. I do not believe in the Bible as a practical guidebook or source of authority (merely a tool to show that the Washtowel is not abiding by it, either). I do not believe in Original Sin, nor that Jesus' death itself means anything other than some idiots that did not want the world to enjoy freedom.

    It also means that you are not required to believe anything I say in order to be saved. You are encouraged to cross-reference everything, and see for yourself whether or not it is true. If so, stagnation (not damnation to hell or Gehenna) is at stake. If not, then we both need to continue learning. Either way, I don't have "new ones" to worry about or a flock to worry about saving. Honesty--something the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger lacks.

  • Quotes

    (With all due respect to Farkel's memory)

    Anyone have any luck finding exactly where this his is published in CoC (or elsewhere?)

    I just checked all the "Klein" references listed in the apendix of CoC and didn't find it. I also took a quick look through the chapter "The Misuse of Disfellowhiping" and didn't see it.

    Maybe it wasn't Karl [brain dead] Klein, but some other brain dead GB member?


  • Farkel


    :(With all due respect to Farkel's memory)

    :Anyone have any luck finding exactly where this his is published in CoC (or elsewhere?)

    I may have read it in ISOCF. Have you checked that? I'm certain Ray Franz wrote it, because that is the kind of statement that would only be heard in a GB meeting.


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