"But there are always new ones coming in"

by Farkel 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    If you've read, seen and heard as many sickening statements uttered by Watchtower leaders as I have, you'll probably agree you tend to get jaded by them after a while:

    Russell claiming his books were more important than the Bible

    Rutherford boasting that Armageddon coming in 1925 was as certain as the flood of Noah and virtually "indisputable."

    When 1925 proved to be a complete lie and failure, the GB claimed it was still a good thing because the hope of it happening got people excited and zealous.

    The Governing Body cynically claiming that they never claimed anything for sure would happen in 1975, and then Fred Franz blaming WT worker bees for the failure of Armageddon in 1975 because they WANTED it to happen too much.

    The WTS claims that they only joined the United Nations as a Non Governmental Organization so they could have access to the UN Library, and feigning ignorance of the other requirements they agreed to keep over the 10 years they annually signed those agreements, such as promoting the interests of the UN. If they were so innocent, why did they drop their membership immediately after that scandal broke here on JWD?

    Anyway, there are hundreds of other sickening examples we all could cite, but I only want to mention one other one, and to me it is even more sickening than any of the ones I just mentioned.

    Ray Franz reported this one in Crisis of Conscience. I gave away my copy of COC and I'm recalling the story from memory, so perhaps someone could clarify the context and cite it exactly as it appears in the book.

    During a GB meeting there was a discussion about one of the many scandals/issues/problems the WTS was facing and the fact that many brothers and sisters were or might be "stumbled" in their faith and leave the WT over that issue. Any true Christian leaders would be very concerned about this happening in their flock. They were mindful of Jesus' words to leave the entire flock for a while to go out and find the one missing sheep so as to return it to the flock.

    How much "concern" did the Jehovah's Witness Governing Body have about thousands and thousands of JWs being stumbled and leaving over yet another one of their idiotic rules and policies? Did they pray to have wisdom to change their rules and save the sheep they were losing and would lose in the future over their very own idiocy and foolishness? NO!

    One of them (I believe it was Karl [brain-dead from birth] Klein) said, "but there are always new ones coming in." Not one freakin' bit of concern was shown over the ones being lost and doomed for eternity for leaving the WT sewer. No. Just the pragmatic and even cynical statement that implied "So what? Let 'em go, and let 'em die at Armageddon. We will always have new, fresh warm bodies coming in, so it's not a problem."

    I do not think that GB member made that evil statement out of a purely evil intent and because that GB member was an overtly evil person. If that were the case, it wouldn't have been as bad as was.

    No, I think it is much worse than that. I think that GB member made that evil statement without even thinking or even being capable of KNOWING how evil that statement was. He made that statement without even a thought as to the consequences of what it meant, as if he was too naïve to understand what he was really saying. To me, that kind of evil is more dangerous than any overt evil one must confront. It completely dehumanizes the people, their very own people, the ones who do all the work and give all the money and die in the service of the Watchtower Corporation. They are not really people, they are not really sheep that need to be cared for, they are a statistic, nameless faces and part of the collective and their lives mean nothing to us. Why?

    Here's why:

    "but there are always new ones coming in..."


  • sir82
    No, I think it is much worse than that. I think that GB member made that evil statement without even thinking or even being capable of KNOWING how evil that statement was. He made that statement without even a thought as to the consequences of what it meant, as if he was too naïve to understand what he was really saying. To me, that kind of evil is more dangerous than any overt evil one must confront. It completely dehumanizes the people, their very own people, the ones who do all the work and give all the money and die in the service of the Watchtower Corporation.

    Amen and amen.

    I have seen this same mindset (complete and utter ignorance of the harm caused by their words and/or actions) amongst every body of elders I was associated with.

  • VM44

    Perhaps he didn't believe that Armageddon wasn't coming at all, so it didn't matter if people left, the new ones coming in will serve the Organization.

    Without willing people to serve them, The Watchtower is bankrupt!

  • hamsterbait

    Of course there are always new ones coming in -

    There are millions of fools born every day.


  • Xavier1

    Well i suppose that they are in a bad situation. they can't tell "Hey Fox we are wrong" and in other hand they protect first the institution (the organisation) and after they present the truth if it is possible


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I completely agree and really think the statistics driven culture has the most to do with that mind set. People rely on religion for a variety of things but the number 1 reason (at least in my opinion) would be for comfort in times of distress. Yet, at this basic level, the WTS has proven time and time again that they are woefully inadequate. If there really is a God that is concerned with human activity, I would think he wouldn't be very pleased with the WTS.

  • belbab

    Why is it written that a shepherd should leave the ninety-nine sheep and go find the one that is lost? Isn't that kind of risky?

    My thoughts are that the lost one has the key that brings to light the failure of the shepherd in his duties. A good shepherd does not lose one sheep otherwise he is a failure, and the life of that sheep will be required from him.


  • Elsewhere

    A sucker is born every minute


    Good Morning Farkel!....."but there are always new ones coming in".........................I`ve heard that statement before,in business.....Many business owners could care less about employee`s or employee working conditions..If an employee doesn`t like working overtime for free,they can leave..Now!!..The business will simply hire someone who will work over time for free..Untill that person quit`s too..The process is repeated over and over..............................................The WBT$ could care less if you stay or leave.....It`s all part of a business day for the WBT$....................I remember a poster quoteing what Knorr,had said to him:"I can replace anyone of you with a postage stamp!"......................Jehovah`s Witness`s are not as irreplaceable to the WBT$,as they might think....Because.."There are always new ones coming in"..................................

    Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • BabaYaga

    So true. This definitely sounds more like something a corporate mogol would say, not a caring religious leader.

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