Isn't It Something That JWs Can't Think Without The Watchtower's Permission?

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    My mother told me that my beloved headstrong JW aunt was crying up a storm because of Sunday's Watchtower lessons on how to treat someone who has left the flock and treat them with kindness in hope of their return. My aunt thought immediately of me and how nasty she is to my existence, taking the lead in totally ignoring me in her presence.

    So now she feels awful about her treatment....but why??? Simply because a Watchtower article told her so. Unbelievable, this cult is!

  • Elsewhere

    Hold on... I need to find out what I should post in response to that....

  • Number1Anarchist

    Ya, but next week they will have an article on why we should shun those that have shunned Gods organization and all will be back the way it was. Don't even play ball when it comes to these crazed lunatics! It's all the double speak Bullshit to keep them all mixed up and confused! Stay away from these lunatics !

  • Marjorie

    To answer your question, no.

    If the Borg told the r & f to "exterminate all of those heathen apostates", 99% of them would not hesitate.

    Come to think of it, they already do that. I believe it's the slow assassination that's called shunning.

    Can't you just feel the love?

  • purplesofa

    Here ya go, From a JW discussion board. Just read it this am

    Just as anointed went bad in the 1st century and WERE anointed then
    and good hearted people then, today a good hearted person can change
    and become bad.

    Any one of us can.

    Not me. \-)

    But then what exactly is bad?

    whatever the GB tell us is bad :-)
  • Dismembered

    Greetings Min,

    Don't allow Auntie to treat you bad. Tell her to kiss your ass if she doesn't approve of you pissing on watchtowers head.


  • leavingwt

    They are scared they might do something that is condemned in an article -- somewhere.

    Watchtower wisely does not have a Rule Book. All of the thousands of Watchtower Laws are contained in thousands of magazines and hundreds of books. Moreover, traditions and the ability to read between the lines govern the members.

    Were they to produce a comprehensive Rule Book, nobody would get baptized. The book would scare the ever-loving $hit out of newly interested persons.

    So, when a member runs afoul of dogma, they elders can drag up some ancient Watchtower to prove to the offender that God disapproves of their behavior. "Sorry you didn't know about it before we dunked you. Suck it up an deal with it. Next."

  • minimus

    They like sending mixed messages. Do you love a person? Hate him? Stay tuned for the next article to see what is said that week.

  • sspo

    My ex told me that if the GB tells her to jump off a cliff .....she would.

    Does it sound like all of them are F$%#@g nuts.?

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    You had better hope they don't ever come out with an article saying it is ok to club apostates like baby seals. I'd keep my eye on their currant teachings if I were you.

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