Disgusted by Dec 15-21 WT Study

by still_in74 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • out4good3

    Well....I guess this was the WT my wife was studying yesterday as she decided that she'd ratchet up the pressure on me to return to meetings.

    I finally had to rip off the bandaid. I told her I just don't believe in any of it anymore.

    From there, she stopped speaking to me and was storming about the house.

    We'll see what today brings. I just refuse to live my life with a constant cloud of fear hanging over my head, and guilt that if I'm not doing "just so JW style", then something is obviously wrong with me!

  • still_in74

    finally had to rip off the bandaid. I told her I just don't believe in any of it anymore.

    I wish I could muster up the boldness to do that. I have so much at stake - I was seconds away from doing it the other day - miliseconds! And I chickened out. My friends, my family, my wife that I love more than anything.... I would lose it all....

  • out4good3

    I wish I could muster up the boldness to do that. I have so much at stake - I was seconds away from doing it the other day - miliseconds!

    I love my wife dearly.....more than I think any of you will ever know.

    but, I'd worked a ton of hours over two days, I was tired, and I'd told her and a couple of elders that there was a time to talk, I didn't want to talk, I'd continue to fully support her activities, and that I just wanted to be left alone about what they perceived would be my declining spiritual condition.

    JUST LEAVE ME ALONE !!!!!!! I dont't want to go to any more meetings!!!!

    But, as usual, under coercion from another WT article, she just started up on me again......and off went the bandaid.

  • yknot

    opposers of Jehovah’s sovereignty.

    WTS translation..... opposers of the WTS (the WTS doesn't give a rats behind about Jehovah, he is only a money making, power tripping, influence weilding tool for this corporation!)

  • Sunspot

    Yum Yum. (sigh) Another fine FINE dish of the poisoned spiritual food that the JWs MUST digest!

  • betweenworlds

    during the final attack of Gog of magog. In that attack, opposers may greedily seize the property and possessions of Jehovah’s people,

    That completely sounds like good ol' Ciro Aulicino's rantings! As I recall he carried on about that in the talk he gave in the park right after 9/11


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