So I've agreed to a Bible Study, how will I get thru it without wanting to die?

by lola28 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    At first I wondered why anyone would waste their time, but now I see you are trying to be kind.

    I'll bet it wouldn't be too hard to direct the conversation to any number of irrelevant "side" topics and thus avoid any serious indoctrination.

    If she wises up to your plan, though, it is possible that she will tell you you're not "making progress" and drop you.

    Don't take it personally.

    I like Rebel8's idea - you could "just happen" to be baking a coffee cake when she arrives, or you can ask her for her favorite recipe for Philintheblankhere, and then tell her you're not sure if you could make it yourself - could she help you? That might even be fun. Or you could work on Halloween costumes together. Wait... No, that won't work.

  • blondie

    Actually, I think in order to "count your time" if studying with an inactive person, you need that elder's okay, more specifically have been approached by the elder to do so. Not every jw is considered "mature" or "experienced" enough in the elder's opinion.

  • steve2
    Actually, I think in order to "count your time" if studying with an inactive person, you need that elder's okay, more specifically have been approached by the elder to do so. Not every jw is considered "mature" or "experienced" enough in the elder's opinion.

    Lola, what would you do if your friend is told by elders that she cannot study with you but they will assign someone else to study with you? You may have unintentionally set yourself up. You won't be the first compassionate person to agree to do something dubious for the sake of a friendship only to find out that it has backfired big time. Be may also have to be strong!

  • Quirky1

    Have two margaritas's prior to the study, you'll be fine....

  • sammielee24

    Will there be a time limit on how long shell be allowed to have a book study with you without any confirmation?

    I think your motives are very kind and I think you could work around the study by any number of methods..however, I have to ask what you would really be achieving by agreeing to a book study with her knowing that a)you don't intend to follow through and b) when it is forced to end, what does she have now?

    By not resolving the issues that you say are the reasons for your having a book study - then you haven't resolved anything. She still has to exist in the world inside once you are no longer suitable as a study partner and thus still victim to the same issues you were trying to push on the back burner.


  • StAnn

    Honestly, Lola, I know you want to spend time with her, but what will you do when she brings someone else along on the study? To that person, it will be obvious you are trying to avoid studying and are just visiting.

    I'd puke if an elder walked into my house. Couldn't help myself.


  • lola28

    Ok, the Bible study is to be for only 30 minutes a week and I guess we’ll be using the new book, what’s it called, something along the lines of “what does the Bible really teach”, I think that’s it. Steve, had or should the elders ask for someone else to study with me I would have declined the offer, I’m also going to ask that no one sit in on the “study”.

    My only real worry is that as some of you mentioned they will want to see progress and I’m not willing to do anything beyond this study, also if they feel that my studying makes me part of the congregation it might leave room for them to DF me or reprove me if they feel that my conduct will hurt the image of the congregation.

  • BabaYaga

    Lola, I think you are making a big mistake. I, personally, cannot understand your reasoning. I'm sure there are a multitude of other things you could do with this woman IF she REALLY does love you.

    I do indeed think this will garner their attention and lead to the dissolution of your fade. That's all I have to say.

    All the best to you.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    If you must study with her, ask to study Mankind's Search For God. It is about the various religions in the world and how they got started. Could lead to some interesting discussion. The Bible Teach book is an indoctrination tool.

    Eventually, you will have to let her down or agree and return to the jws. Seems like you are postponing the inevitable. Picking her up once a week to go shopping would be a better idea. If she is having trouble getting around, you could help her out and carry things for her.

    There are so many things older ones could use help with and the companionship involved while helping her out is an added joy for both of you. I just see basing your relationship on studying as a dead end.

  • yknot

    The Bible Teach is the first book in all studies now.

    The argument is that a worldly newbie is taught initial JW ways and a weaker, inactive, or youth study learns how to conduct a study using the Bible Teach book. Of course the follow up book is last years DC release "Keep", which super indoctrinates the study to the current rigid viewpoint.

    I see the Bible Teach book having the staying power as the "Knowledge" book. However I expect the "Keep" book to be replaced when Ted is no longer dominating the GB vote.

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