Should Christians carry guns?

by cameo-d 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Did Jesus teach total pacificism?

    When the Roman soldiers came for him in the Garden, he instructed his disciples to put away their swords after one of them cut the ear of the high priest servant.

    If this is true, can we not surmise that the disciples carried weapons?

    How should a non-violent person be prepared to defend himself in a situation of aggression and immediate physical threat?

  • momzcrazy

    Yes, they carried weapons. I was always told that it was to defend themselves from wild animals, not so much the highway robbers.

    My husband is a Christian and he carries guns. Has a permit for them of course, and is fully trained in gun safety. And he doesn't have them for show.

  • BurnTheShips
    Did Jesus teach total pacificism?

    Jesus discouraged the use of unnecessary force but he acknowledged that legitimate force was sometimes necessary. (Luke 14:31, 22:36). If Christ taught total pacifism, no soldier could be a Christian. We have the example of soldiers in the NT becoming Christians such as Cornelius, and favorable mention of others such as the centurion whose slave was healed by Jesus.

    When the Roman soldiers came for him in the Garden, he instructed his disciples to put away their swords after one of them cut the ear of the high priest servant.

    He also advised them to carry a sword in as above in Luke 22:36

    To answer the question:

    Should Christians carry guns?

    It is up to the individual, guns in themselves are not evil. What we do with them can be evil, or good.

    Here is an interesting article on the subject. (pdf)


  • blondie

    The WTS teaches that the 144,000 (mostly jws) are going to execute all the non-jws on earth at the "end." I heard many an anointed jw tell me that.

    jws also can have hunting weapons and go hunting as well. There are elders in this area that even miss the CO's visit if it falls during deer season.


  • cameo-d

    The WTS teaches that the 144,000 (mostly jws) are going to execute all the non-jws on earth at the "end."

    I thought it was Jehovah himself was supposed to pick us off, one by one, selectively, overnight, in a mass extermination.

    Blondie, this is news to me. Thanks for letting me in on one of the best kept secrets.

    So if the 144,000 are supposed to kill us all.....then could this mean that...

    Suppose the 144K are not individuals, but are are actually organizations which are entwined into the Brotherhood of the Dragon?

    Also, it sounds as if WT is part of a greater plan to bring the whole world under submission to WT fascist dictates.

  • greenhornet

    I think these are links from the Awake magazine back in the 1960s......GH
    • John Doe
      John Doe

      Legally or morally?

    • cameo-d

      Legally or morally?

      Morally, John Doe.

      What do you think? Do you advocate guns...or perhaps being prepared in some other way if there is a direct confrontation on your life or a loved one?

      One way is, I know, to do your best to avoid certain situations.

      But look at what happens to some people being suddenly attacked in broad daylight coming out of a store? Or home invasions during the night?

      Knowing there is no superman god that is going to save or protect you, what do you do to protect yourself?

      Do you think there are specific scriptures written to dissuade people from actually defending themselves with weapons?

    • John Doe
      John Doe

      cameo, it was an attempt at a snide remark commenting on the mental capabilities of christians. I guess it didn't come across that way. For what it's worth, I'm a gun owner and am an advocate of gun ownership.

    • primitivegenius

      no.............. as soon as you pry my cold dead fingers off.....................

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