They are killing her.

by desib77 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77

    Wow it has been such a long time since I've posted here. I've for the most part been able to move on with life leaving the JWs behind me.

    But now I am being forced to deal with them again. My mom (JW) has been sick and discovered that she has a mass in her throat (lower part in her chest) that is making it hard for her to breath. The first problem has been that she left her job a while back to pioneer and does not have health insurance to pay for any medical expenses. Since she can't pay for them right away she has been avoiding going to the dr. for checkups and medical care. Finally she went last week to see a surgeon who told her that the mass MUST come up within two weeks so as to avoid causing her trachea to collapse. Plus, there is the chance that it is cancerous and must be biopsied. The mass has also caused her to choke a."nd I worry about that. When I spoke to her on Friday she seemed to understand the severity of it and was waiting to see if she was in the system to get help from the VA (a whole 'nother issue). I explained that if she couldn't get that worked out within a day or two that she will need to go to a normal hospital for the procedure. (I'm guessing she payed no attention to all of the charity hospitals that I looked up for her.)

    So, today I called to check on her. She had just gotten back from a meeting and seemed pretty chipper. I asked about the progress of getting her scheduled for the procedure and she said that she was still working on it. Then........... she said it. "But brother so and so said maybe I should try such and such to help it. It is a natural medicine and those are always best." I am so angry! How dare he (used to be a C.O.) advise her medically????? We have no idea what she is dealing with and to try to treat it naturally and ignore the doctors is just ridiculous. I feel like calling him to tell him to stay away from my mother!

    Last week another "brother" told her that doctors are all out for money and don't care at all about the patients. They are all "crooked". In her own words, "This world is just so wicked". Let me explain something. My mother lives in a state of paranoia. She thinks everyone is out to get her and everyone is "bad, just so bad". She is so far from reality it is scary to me and the JWs only increase her dillusions.

    I just don't know what to do. This whole thing makes me feel sick.


  • StAnn

    My dear friend recently discovered his grandmother lying on the floor. She'd had a heart attack. At the hospital, surgeons said she had to have heart bypass surgery or she'd die and that they couldn't do the surgery without blood. The HLC came in and demanded she switch to doctors on their list who will do bloodless surgery. Those "approved" doctors consulted and said her condition was too severe for bloodless surgery. So her JW children put her in hospice and sat with her around the clock~until she died from heart failure after a few weeks. They expressed no regret that they chose to kill their mother.

    Sadly, these people are so mind-controlled that they can't use logic or think clearly about these kinds of matters. Try to get your mother's doctor to tell her that you can't treat throat cancer with an herbal cure.

    My heart goes out to you.


  • desib77

    Thank you. I guess today my anger about the situation is getting the best of me. Tomorrow I will refocus, calm down and try to explain things to her again.

  • cameo-d

    There is something you can do about this bonehead giving her medical advice.

    It is called Practicing Medicine Without a License. It is a felony charge.

    Your mother has been told by the surgeon she needs to make a move within 2 weeks. Time is running out.

    Call her dr. and explain that your mother has been given medical advice against surgery and told to take a natural remedy. Tell him that the person advising your mother has a position of authority in the organization and that your mother has been intimidated by this. He should be able to advise.

  • LDH

    I'm really sorry that your mom doesn't seem to be able to understand the severity of her condition. You may be able to reason with her by telling her that if she deteriorates rapidly, others will have to make medical decisions for her.

  • Odrade

    Agree with cameo. There is a balance of power issue with misuse of authority. This elder needs to be informed (preferably through legal counsel,) that he needs to keep his trap shut or charges will be brought against him for practicing medicine without a license and for coercion. I'm disgusted but not surprised. My mom is/would be the same way.

  • desib77

    Thank you all for the advice. If she does not schedule the surgery tomorrow I will pursue other options. It is nice to be able to discuss this with people who understand how misguided and irrational the wittnesses can be.

  • cameo-d

    Wilhelm Reich, a physician who published a series of books [3] about the psychological basis of authoritarian control strategies, revealed that fascist societies (broadly defined, include most "civilized" nations) gain control over their subjects by inducing them to suppress bodily instincts (including natural sexual function), which constitute the first line of defense of any living being against harm, and by using religious dogma and mysticism to justify and maintain such suppression. With a whole population of such semi-conscious people who have learned to suppress their own natural instincts and body sensations for fear of ridicule by authority figures, the way has been cleared for inflicting iatrogenic medical care, an ersatz food supply lacking nutrients, and a toxic environment that is unpleasant and ultimately deadly. The inevitable bottled-up emotional outrage that the population would ordinarily express toward the perpetrators of such misery is instead channeled into contrived warfare and environmental destruction of such magnitude as to endanger not only the health but the lives of a majority of the world's inhabitants.

  • LouBelle

    Make an appointment, pick up your mother & take her to see the doctor. Tell her, her brothers are not professionals in this field and best she get it sorted.

  • sacolton

    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true."
    WBTS, The Watchtower, December 1, 1991, page 7

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