Sent in my Fafsa.... I am excited....

by AK - Jeff 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Here I sit in my living room, with no one to bubble at about this!

    At 53 I am committing to a BS in Criminal Justice. I have no freaking idea what I will do with a degree at this stage of my life to be honest. But, perhaps I will become something after all? LOL

    I have a good job, but no paper if I need to move on someday, or get the axe in a downsizing or corporate ploy to cut costs with older wage earners. I will be late 50's when I finish school, if I am intelligent enough to do so - who knows.

    So, whilst we juggle the grandkids we are raising, jobs and domestic responsibilities, aging parents, and the potential that our wayward child might show up and try to create more pain in our lives [which is what she always does when she shows up], we are both to be engaged in earnstwhile efforts to finish the process of shedding our Jw skins, by completing something that is late by 30 years.

    I expect the application will take a bit of time, and then perhaps in early Feb I will begin a new journey.

    One cannot go back and change the past. One can only move forward. I don't want to list failure to get an education among my life's regrets. Soooo, here we go!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    When you get to senior citizen status, college tuition is free. I can't remember if it's 55 or 60.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Congrats Jeff...

    You will be an inspiration to some who are younger and feel they are too old to go to college...

  • Dismembered

    Kudos Ak-Jeff

    Godspeed to you


  • OnTheWayOut

    congatulations. it's never too late in life to learn. you have time to appreciate your degree.

    besides, many of us might benefit from your learning, so we must cheer for you.

  • watson

    What you are doing is very proactive. Instead of "waiting" to be laid off, then go for education, you are ahead of the game. Your concern is very valid.... Congrats

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    When you get to senior citizen status, college tuition is free. I can't remember if it's 55 or 60.

    Here in Indiana, USA? I know that is true in Canada, and perhaps elsewhere.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Here in Indiana, USA? I know that is true in Canada, and perhaps elsewhere.

    I think it's pretty universal. But then again, I've only had experience with the ones in this state (Arkansas).

  • quietlyleaving

    great news Jeff - just to warn you, grey cells can take time to rejuvenate and you may feel you are groping around in a fog of incomprehension at first or even all the way through. But keep going, the rewards are immense.

  • Number1Anarchist

    Me too.39 and going to start college in 2009. I already sent in my FAFSA as well. Better late than never!

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