So I installed a surveillance camera...

by tooktheredpill 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Grow a beard, they are scared of them.


  • oompa

    i just wish i was you..........oompa

  • sass_my_frass

    Bummer you live so close to the hall; they must be starting their time at your place. That might go on for a while. Can you borrow a big dog for a few months?

  • loosie

    Go even further and hook your sprinklers up to turn on when they arrive and blast them with Water!

    I like that idea ...motion activated spriklers.

  • BurnTheShips

    I just hope that they get tired of trying to find us.

    I moved away.


  • jamiebowers

    It's stories like these that make me glad that I was df'd for refusing to stalk my abusive jw husband to prove his adultery after I filed for divorce. Both of our experiences are complete bullshit! CRAZY CULT! Good luck on your fade.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Maybe you can go out and do something fun on the weekend for a change?

  • SnakesInTheTower


    i thought of a camera but not for JW reasons...crazy neighbor reasons.. (though that seems to have calmed down with the installation of a 6ft high 120 ft long stockade fence running between our properties).

    I still run into the dubs around town... some I think try to avoid me, others try the guilt trip.... only moving away will ever stop it..move far enough where no one knows you (of course, the whole 6 degrees of separation thing is only 3 deep in dubville...)

  • SnakesInTheTower

    and I might add... I love sleeping in on Sunday morning instead of getting up, putting on a suit and tie, slogging to another mindless meeting.

    me and the cat just lie in bed until about 9 (that is sleeping in for me) and then get up and get ready to go to work...always a better day to be making money than donating money to the Borg

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I had a friend of mine that I used to chat with on occasion. Nothing improper was going on but if we ever met for lunch we always felt compelled to look over our shoulder

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