Apostate Dictionary

by cameo-d 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannaexit

    Governing BOOBS =governing body

    Witchtower= watchtower

    Asleep = Awake

    Rags = W & A magazines

    Overloards = District oversears

    Borg = organization

    Troof = Truth

    Dishtowel and Rag Society = Watchtower Bible and tract society

    Cult sessions = congregation meetings

    Clones = bro and sis

  • Clam

    Great work rebel8.

    One I always liked was Jehovah's Bystander which appears to be an epithet for a person engaged in JW activity but resisting the final step of baptism. This could also apply to spouses who show approval and ocassionally rock up for memorials or JW social events.

    Also walking dead could be bird food. One of the more pleasant Dub expressions, which I suppose could be in the dictionary as it's used as an example of their compassion. Must think of some more.

  • wannaexit

    I thought of a few more:

    Borg ship = Kindgdom hall

    coolaid = spiritual food

    Witless = witness

    watchtower gulag =watchtower society

    gawd allFrighty = god almighty

  • rebel8


    Edits/additions suggested thus far have been added & will appear in the final edition. There are more than 100 terms in the dictionary now!

  • belbab

    Expanding on wannaexits' coolaid.

    It is usually spelt Kool-ade and refers to the monthly study Watchtower provided only for Watchtower studies and are only distributed to publishers.

    It originates from the Jonestown massacre where kool-ade was laced with poison and the adepts drank it.

    That Watchtower is called the Kool-ade edition that is the suicide edition where the GB can lay the heavies on the rank and file.


  • LDH

    Hilarious thread.

    I always used these, I think they were a combination of some stuff I thought of and some other stuff online, been on for 10+ years can't possibly remember who the author was on some of these...

    Witchpower, Babble, and Trick SickSiety (this one makes my sister burst out laughing)

    aFake! magazine

    The TheoCraptic Misery School

  • LDH


    Circus OverBeer

    Laura Ingalls dresses-- dresses with lots of ruffles or OVERLY modest, meant to make you look like a throwback to Little House on the Prarie.

  • LDH

    Hot Mess Sundae. I'm going to start using that one.


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