What kind of car would you like to have?

by asilentone 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    One that runs on water.

  • Confucious

    I got my dream car this year... Maserati.

    I remember when I was a pioneer - I was driving a Lexus and everyone was freaking out that I was materialistic or something.


  • jaguarbass

    Given the economic instability and the fear that gas will go back up.

    I have the car, I want or like, a Toyota, Tercell, it gets 30 miles to gallon.

    Now a days I drive all week for 8$ if gas tripples it will be 24$.

    If I was rich and un practical, I would go for a Porsche Boxter.

  • garybuss

    I'd like to have a 1987 Chevy 4wd pickup.

  • crapola

    Yeah Poppers,, one that runs on water or air or a really good electric battery. I drive a 2006 Ford Fusion now though and it gets really good gas mileage.

  • cawshun

    I drive a Jeep Cherokee and we will be looking for new second car around May, Hoping to find a new 4 dr. jeep wrangler.

  • restrangled

    When my husband and I were traveling through the mountains of Germany near the Austrian border we heard this very low roar... we initially thought it was a low flying plane, but it never stopped. My husband looked in the rear view mirror and this was behind us: A Lamborghini that when he was able to pass us, left us in the dust! You could hear the engine for miles.

    A real dream car!

  • sooner7nc

    No car. I want a new Hayabusa. 40 MPG and 175+ HP.

  • Quirky1

    Jag XKR

  • crapola

    Sooner, what is it you want? Is it a motorcycle of somekind?

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