Keep doing this in memory of me -- invitation to memorial 2009

by iloowy 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • One true Jesus Freak
    One true Jesus Freak

    does someone have an english post of that? I cannot read spanish too well.

  • freydo

    A Victory for the Muslim Brotherhood

    The Obama administration allows Tariq Ramadan to travel to the U.S.

    BY Thomas Joscelyn

    January 20, 2010 6:58 PM (This is allegedly a Christian nation...right?)

    "In a controversial move, the Obama administration has decided to lift Tariq Ramadan’s ban from the United States. Who is Tariq Ramadan? By birth, he is the grandson of Hassan al Banna – the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). By word and deed, he is today a leading member of the European branch of the MB.

    The MB is the mother organization for some of the terrorist groups that became part of al Qaeda’s core, including Ayman al Zawahiri’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Osama bin Laden himself was first wooed to the dark side by Muslim Brothers teaching in Saudi Arabia. The MB has also spawned other hardcore jihadist organizations, including Hamas. While the MB’s descendents have publicly disagreed over tactics at times (for example, Zawahiri has taken issue with Hamas’s participation in Palestinian elections), they still share the same long-term strategic vision: the re-establishment of an Islamic Caliphate capable of ruling the Muslim world and challenging the West.

    And that is what Tariq Ramadan believes in too. At the Counterterrorism Blog and on his own website, Douglas Farah explains:

    As noted in this extensive review of "Brother Tarik: The Doublespeak of Tarik Ramadan," by French journalist Caroline Fourest, the definitive look at Ramadan's cannon, he is intent on saying one thing to Western audiences while something else to his followers. They often do not match up......."

  • jdhf

    Actually Wobble...A north or central Dubliner would say Irish person would bless themselves frantically and use various religious expletives.

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