Keep doing this in memory of me -- invitation to memorial 2009

by iloowy 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • heathen

    I understood they could observe it they following month if they missed the new moon in Nisan . No matter how they do it ,it wouldn't be the scriptural observance since sundown over jerusalem would happen at different times globally and they simply go by sundown in your local area . The only way to do it correctly would be to be in jerusalem .IMO

  • Nosferatu

    Nicer picture than the furry Jesus of last year.

    It's funny how I look at that invite, and instead of the usual feeling of it being an important special event, I look at it and realize that it's all a big pile of bullshit. They might as well pass around Green Eggs & Ham at the memorial.

  • Priest73

    shoot. How come the Late Great JC can have a beard, but today's sheeple can't?

  • yknot
    shoot. How come the Late Great JC can have a beard, but today's sheeple can't?

    Cuz JC and posse was "God's spirit-directed" radicals! Sheeple aren't even 'Christ's Brothers', so no woolly chins for them! "Discerning, mature non-GB anointed" don't call attention to themselves. On another note: I think men should change up their looks, rotate how little or much facial hair they sport....... (different stages have different sex appeal)

  • Lieu

    Latin languages belong to the "digusting thing which causes desolation".

    As for beards, have what you want.What does a beard do to the heart?

    People who are Pharasitic will always be Pharasitic. Ignore them.

  • Lieu
    shoot. How come the Late Great JC can have a beard, but today's sheeple can't?

    'Cause JWs are still stuck on that 1950s "All-American" boy-next-door look. This works great in "business" environment. It is a publishing company, after all, and the meetings are conducted like business seminars.

  • shopaholic

    Thanks for posting the invite. I had no idea when the memorial was this year.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    This is their Superbowl party. This is the BIG KAHUNA! This is the one thing with the biggest attendance they have to rub in peoples face and use for Infomercial purposes. Look everybody 12,000,000 people attended our memorial!

    and...... ?

    LOL! Is it me or does Jesus look more like he is from Ireland than the middle east?

  • blondie

    Actually, the WTS says they calculate the date based on the moon in Jerusalem.

    *** w76 2/1 p. 73 "Keep Doing This in Remembrance of Me" ***According to our present method of calculation, the Memorial date approximates the nearest full moon after the spring equinox. For example, in 1975 the Memorial date, as calculated fourteen days from the new moon (nearest the spring equinox) visible in Jerusalem, was Thursday, March 27, after sundown. Appropriately, there was also a full moon on Thursday, March 27, 1975. The date for Memorial in 1976, calculated by our present method, falls on Wednesday, April 14, after sundown. The full moon also occurs on this same date. So if, in the future, any of Jehovah’s people should be out of touch with the governing body, they could determine the Memorial date with fair accuracy from local calendars that show the first full moon after the spring equinox. The celebration would then take place after sundown of the day on which the full moon occurs.
    *** rs p. 269 par. 2 Memorial (Lord’s Evening Meal) ***Jehovah’s Witnesses observe the Memorial after sundown on Nisan 14, according to the reckoning of the Jewish calendar that was common in the first century. The Jewish day begins at sundown and extends until the following sundown. So Jesus died on the same Jewish calendar day that he instituted the Memorial. The beginning of the month of Nisan was the sunset after the new moon nearest the spring equinox became visibleinJerusalem. The Memorial date is 14 days thereafter. (Thus the date for the Memorial may not coincide with that of the Passover kept by modern-day Jews. Why not? The start of their calendar months is set to coincide with the astronomical new moon, not the visible new moon over Jerusalem, which may come 18 to 30 hours later. Also, most Jews today keep the Passover on Nisan 15, not on the 14th as did Jesus in harmony with what was stated in the Mosaic Law.)
  • wobble

    If he came from Ireland he would be called Jazuz,coz that's how they pronounce it!



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