Deadwood anyone?

by beksbks 51 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Dagney
    It should be noted that in that era it would not have been considered polite or good form to speak ill of someone ...especially in a obit.

    I so agree.

    So that others will not be left with that last impression of Jane, I offer the following.

    (I know Beks...stooooooooopppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Jane along with everybody else who ever lived and who live today and will live in the future are multidimensional. All are flawed, and almost all have redemptive qualities. I find it interesting the very first thing criticized was her looks. Hmmm....nice.

    We all know there are many more writings than the obit, at least I know that anyway. I don't need to post them, I have champagne to go drink.

    I read a little about Lonesome Dove a few minutes ago, but not much. Seems like it is a western novel with a few characters loosely based on actual people. See...anybody can write history how they would like to see it!!!!

    (Beks...I won't even go into the "whore" comment.)

  • smiddy

    If you took out the language,it would be a silent movie.great show" Deadwood"

    another great series was" Rome"

    and another" The Tudors"


  • hillbilly
    Deadwood was something of a place unto itself.

    Deadwood offers a few things that make a good myth. A good story... you could only hope to ever dream up "Aces and eights, the deadmans hand". The other Put em both together and you get a story to make movies about. A story set in a really neat period ... rich enough to carry it's weight without modernizing the dialouge.

    Dont get me wrong... I am the biggest fan of the old west... I shoot the guns, rope the cows and ride the horses... almost daily... But Deadwood being a place unto itself? No more than , Tombstone, Guthrie OK, and every cow town on the Chisholm Trail all the way into Kansas.

    Did you know that legal bordellos operated in Ft Smith Arkansas well into the 20th century.


  • gymbob

    Oh man Hillbilly, don't get started on Tombstone...I went there a few years back for a weekend, it's still a pretty cool place to visit. I loved the movie too.

  • hillbilly
    Oh man Hillbilly, don't get started on Tombstone...I went there a few years back for a weekend, it's still a pretty cool place to visit. I loved the movie too.

    Yep... that's the tip of the iceberg too... dozens of towns and shadows of towns with a story out here...

    Ya know I only come here to argue with Beks? I love it when her head comes to a point....



  • inkling

    ...either there's something peculiar about this man's cerebral setup, or
    they can just write off the forebrain as being the center of thought and speech.

  • hillbilly

    ...either there's something peculiar about this man's cerebral setup, or
    they can just write off the forebrain as being the center of thought and speech.

    that may be the nicest thing I'v heard all year...


  • beksbks

    Gosh Hill, I just realized there is no point in discussing anything with you. You in fact know it all. How about if you just school me, eh love?

  • hillbilly
    Gosh Hill, I just realized there is no point in discussing anything with you. You in fact know it all. How about if you just school me, eh love?

    Well I didnt know that I knew it all until just now...thanks...

    I still like you too.

    Happy new year!

    Hill 1959-2009 World Tour

  • beksbks

    Where do I get tickets for this thing? What kind of musical guests will there be?

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