WSJ - Front Page - Predict End of USA by 2010 - Garbage...

by Confucious 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious

    I was very surprised that the Wall Street Journal would publish this crap worthy of

    And I was even more surprised they put it on the front page.

    But it's in today's WSJ - Dec. 29 edition.

    It's a story about a Russian Professor that is predicting the end of the USA by the year 2010.

    He points to the fact that States will withhold support to the Federal Government.

    They went so far as to make little diagrams on what states would go to Canada and what to Russia.

    This one is easy though - say what you want to say - but 2010 is only a year away - and nothing is going to happen to the USA.

    I'm not a flag waving redneck either - but the infrastructure of the US is too strong - too advanced.


  • shamus100

    Now it's 2012 - the new updated version, don'tcha know.

    The dates keep changing, and there's always some arsehole to come up with another date. Every one of them deserves a kick in the nuts.

    Every civilization falls at some point - but I don't see it happening that fast.

  • ninja

    damn conspiracy theorists....he he

  • Quirky1

    Soon to be Amerexico.

  • ninja


  • Quirky1

    North Amexico

  • Simon

    The US does have some fundamental issues and things do seem to be unravelling a little right now but I doubt things could fall apart quite that quickly!

    Still, history shows that ever mighty empire falls at some point.

  • Confucious

    I believe it can't last forever by no means.

    But this guy was making the news today - front page.

    But if anything - it will show him up.

    Because the initial prediction was made 10 years ago.

    Maybe the WSJ was doing this to show him up?

    So easy to sit here in the cheap seats and say by year 2020 - the USA will be gone.

    This Russian professor made his 2010 prediction 10 years ago in 2000.

    Now it's time to eat his words.

  • cameo-d

    It's a story about a Russian Professor that is predicting the end of the USA by the year 2010.

    It could even be sooner. According to the Strategic Studies Institute...the latest plan for us will be "strategic shock" and "surprise". This is supposed to take place in the next few months. They say there will be a THUNDERBOLT event.

    Other sources say that supposedly there will be a financial Tsunami event. But it really is rather like a tsunami. It means that, like a tsunami, the market will rise on the first wave. The second wave is even higher. Looks like something financially promising, huh? Then the third wave is the last crest and gives a great false sense of security.

    But, like a true tsunami, as the last and greatest wave recedes, it sucks out the entire country into the ocean.

    And that is the final collapse of it all.

    but 2010 is only a year away - and nothing is going to happen to the USA.

    That is a prediction in itself. And if you believe it, your head is in the sand!

  • mkr32208

    I think the US will annex Canada AND Mexico before the end comes! All hail the north American union... (I think the US would have taken Mexico years ago if it wasn't such a good source of cheap goods and labor, as china takes over that role the US will start looking southward!)

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