Reject Worldly Fantasies, Pursue Kingdumb Realities?

by WTWizard 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • heathen

    BTW - cameo , it was the apostle Paul that wrote about the twinkling of an eye and your explanation is pretty absurd . The illuminati are a lucifarian cult , getting rid of the cross which is actually pagan or satanic anyway would not be detrimental to anybody but those lying theiving basturds that mislead everybody with it making themselves extremely wealthy and preying on poor people giving them false hope that if only they send enough money God will bless you . Insanity is what that is all about . I would say if you want to persue a life course imitating Jesus christ then maybe a blessing would come your way .

  • cameo-d
    maybe a blessing would come your way .

    Do you even know what a blessing is?

    Moses threw blood on the people to "bless" them.

    That must have been when meetings were exciting. You walk out all hyped up like you have just been to a character re-enactment of Carrie.

    I guess back then they used excitement to hold the people's attention.

    Now, you want to talk about insane?

  • MochaLatte

    Thanks Billy, I thought so. I'm almost embarassed to have remembered that title. It was back from my Bethel days, when I actually paid attention and read my magazines. Scary flashback.

  • heathen

    I don't think a blessing today would be quite the same .There are no more animal sacrifices even tho I've actually known some JW that would actually do that .I know the pope thinks he can bless people with holy water . In any event I don't fall for those chalatans on the TBN stations or as some other church goers inform that I'm cheating God by not giving over ten percent of my income to the church . Insane ramblings from people that barely have a pot to pee in themselves worying about their "pasture" living a life of luxury .There's a blessing for you right there , not falling for all that crap.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah, the Kingdom is a "reality" ...people frolicking in Paradise gardens, Lions and lambs playing together, pigs flying through the sky....

  • lancelink

    "It has been very eye-opening to me to meet so many non-witnesses that have high moral standards. Most are not the sex-crazed, drug-taken, alcoholic, pill-popping maniacs we are taught to believe"

    Most of the sex crazed,drug taking, alcoholic, pill popping maniacs I know still attend the kingdom hall.

  • buffalosrfree

    Heathen, you mentioned a the eye of a sewing needle, it wasn't a sewing needle Jesus was referring to. It was a small gate beside the bigger ones, that once ngiht fall came the bigger gates were closed and if one wanted to enter or leave the city it was only through those very small side gates. So for a camel to pass through it would have to be unloaded of all its baggage and commodities and squeeze very hard while trying to walk scoot along on its knees to get through, It was referring to rich men having to divest themselves of their reliance on riches to get them through the gate to Serve God or be a follower of Jesus. Not a sewing needle.

    This nonsense about rejecting worldly fantasies but accepting watch tower fantasies is more nonsense from these ner do well thinking people.

  • mvs

    I can Think of a few Fantasies: Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1920) Armageddon is coming in 1914 Armageddon is coming in 1918 Armageddon is coming in 1925 Armageddon is coming in 1975 Doors to Heaven Closed in 1935 My Favorite Wordlly Fantasy: “Jesus Appointed The Governing Body as his faithful servant in 1919” Ahhhh Such good Fantasies while they lasted.....

  • heathen

    Luke 18:25 , hate to break the news to you but mentions a sewing needle not the crap some wanna be would twist things because they are lazy and stupid .

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