ex-jw books up for grabs

by rebel8 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I have 3 copies of the following book that I want to get rid of. (Hope this is ok Simon--I'm truly not selling them--they cost me about $12 each.)

    It should be less than $3 to ship them in the continental US via Media Mail, so I'd ask those interested to cover that.

    PM me if interested. Thanks

    10 Steps Toward Emotional Recovery After Being a Jehovah's Witness

    Members who leave Jehovah’s Witnesses often face public excommunication, shunning, social isolation, depression, anxiety, and confusion. The healing process that ensues can go on for years. Written by an ex-Jehovah’s Witness who provided psychological care to Jehovah's Witnesses, this book describes the emotional and mental processes an ex-member goes through. The book gives tips geared towards helping to speed that healing process.

  • rebel8

    PS-I also have "The New American Bible", never used. :-)

  • SnakesInTheTower


    I'm truly not selling them--they cost me about $12 each.)
    It should be less than $3 to ship them in the continental US via Media Mail, so I'd ask those interested to cover that.

    I cant speak for Simon... I got rid of a ton of WT lit last year this way on JWD... offered them for the cost of shipping... even shipped them without the check for the postage.... trusted folks.,.. no one burned me... so I doubt they have an issue with you offering books that might help someone..esp at a loss. Some generous souls covered more than the postage which helped offset the cost of some who couldnt.... it all worked out in the end..

    Snakes ()

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Rebel8, you are he author of "10 Steps Toward Emotional Recovery After Being a Jehovah's Witness," aren't you? Is this excess inventory? Why are you getting rid of them? How much do you want for each copy?

  • Simon

    I've no problem with people offering things like this for sale as long as it isn't a business / continual

  • rebel8

    Thx, Simon.

    Nathan, I purchased 2 before release to make sure the printing didn't look cockeyed. The other I purchased when people kept asking for signed copies but then didn't follow through w/buying them from me.

    I don't want any $ for them, I'm just asking the $3 for shipping. Maybe they will help someone.

    2 copies left.

    Oh, and the bible....I think a priest gave it to me. It's a white pleather-like cover, copyright 1987, with the seal of the pope printed inside...and a list of previous popes. I have no use for it because I'm a heathen.

  • rebel8

    The bible is now spoken for.

    1 book left.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ...people kept asking for signed copies but then didn't follow through w/buying them from me.

    Some people just don't get the sense of "let your yes mean yes."

    As Elsewhere pointed out in a recent post, many claim to subscribe to a higher standard but really don't come through with performance. We might say they have "a form of godly devotion but prove false to its power." *

    I consign their imaginary invisible bits to an imaginary hot place for a long, long time.

    I wish you good luck in your efforts. I was among the first to actually buy a copy of your book when it came out on Lulu.

    - - -

    *I feel compelled to expand a bit on this theme. Religions have invented a moral "escape clause" with the concept of inherited imperfection. It allows people to say they believe in God but do little to demonstrate such belief. They'll say, "Well, I'm imperfect; I inherited an imaginary invisible gene from my forefather Adam. I can't help it."

    As an atheist, I can't take advantage of imaginary genes. I have to (and do) take responsibility for my actions. They aren't always "good" or "virtuous," but that is because I make a choice.

    Religious people sometimes whip themselves into a fervor of self-righteousness, pointing fingers at the heathen atheists over there who paint themselves blue (figuratively speaking; this is a parable). They would do better to work on their own character flaws first. A good start would be to live up to the moral standard you claim to believe in.

    You folks who screwed Rebel8 owe her an apology, and you need to learn to stop lying to people.

  • rebel8

    ha ha ha Nathan--"imaginary gene"--great points! Thanks for sticking up for me. (( ))

    To everyone--books are all gone already-whew! Hard copies and downloads are available at www.lulu.com/ex-jw.

  • foreverfree

    I discovered the other day I have a box of bound volumes from the late 70's and 80's. I just put the whole box in a trash bag and took out the trash

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