The Similarities of The Charles Manson Cult and The Watchtower Society Cult

by Homerovah the Almighty 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poppers

    Very interesting video, and astute observations by AllTimeJeff

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good commentary AlltimeJeff, it really does become depressingly sad when you think about people spending most of their lives as being an observant slave

    to this Corporate Publishing House and then come to realize it was all nothing but a devised scam by some devious power hungry men with crowns on top their heads

    waving a magic wand a round. The millions of peoples lives wasted over this deviously procured power, now thats a real shame and a slap across the face of humanity.

    It wasn't God's kingdom after all it was theirs

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2 Homer lonely on xmas? Nothing better to do than start yet another ridiculous anti-JW/anti Bible rant on here? Where's Marge and the kids? Go and have some more donuts to cheer yourself up.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty
    Nothing better to do than start yet another ridiculous anti-JW/anti Bible rant on here?

    Well no not intensionally Yada, It was an attempt to show the similarities in terms of social psychology of the two groups in a broad observation .

    Sorry if it hit a delicate nerve with you,........... please forgive me for I know not what I do

    In hindsight I guess I was being a bit harsh

  • AllTimeJeff
    AllTimeJeff Homer lonely on xmas? Nothing better to do than start yet another ridiculous anti-JW/anti Bible rant on here? Where's Marge and the kids? Go and have some more donuts to cheer yourself up.

    You know, I appreciate the opportunity to read things like this, and i encourage others to do so.

    Having lost a brother to this cult, as well as my first marriage, I can definitely say with experience that this cult is dangerous in its own way. Not in a Manson way certainly, but most cults do have similarities, even if theology and certain methodology differs.

    Few cults are as murderous as Mansons. Few cults are as cynical and insincere in their approach to bible study and bible use as Jehovah's Witnesses. Personally, I think that comparing different cults will help promote understanding of the real dangers of all cults, including the ones we know best, Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    In the evaluation and understanding of are of are own human psychology we can bring forth reasons and explanations to are behaviors and actions.

    Think of the millions of peoples lives wasted over this deviously procured power, now thats a real shame and a slap across the face of humanity.

    For it wasn't God's kingdom that had been established after all it was instead all their very own .

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's about time this thread had a bump.

    Recently, opinions have been expressed that it is cruel, unloving, hateful etc. to destroy a person's faith, especially if you are not offering a substitute.

    The Family were happy with their faith. Are you happy that The Family was persecuted and locked up for practicing their faith?

    The Family caused a few deaths, but so does the Watchtower's blood doctrine.

    The Watchtower is still causing deaths.

    Gypsy maintained her faith in Charlie for years after the murders.

    My parents maintained their faith in the WT after two prophetic failures in their lifetime.

    Many of Charlie's followers, including Gypsy, were converts after ONE meeting.

    My father joined the FIRST religion that 'explained' the Bible to him. He could just as easily become another Tex Watson.

    If you think that sounds ludicrous, just watch Tex's video, FORGIVEN. There was nothing in his background to suggest he could turn out to be a killer.

    Charlie's armageddon, salvation and paradise were just as loopy as Rutherford's, but it didn't stop him gaining and retaining followers.

    I haven't seen anything posted by JW apologists to convince me that a JW who isn't pushing up daisies is not a danger to people who do not understand how cults work. If they are capable of handing a young nurse a Bible Teach book from their deathbed, they are dangerous.



  • kurtbethel

    The Manson Cult has less bloodguilt than the Watchtower.

  • koolaid-man

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