Guilt and Shame(Adult content)

by Seven 23 Replies latest members adult

  • Seven

    waiting, I was a Baptist the first half of my life.I thought I'd mentioned that before.

  • waiting


    As I've brought out to Red (in her impertinence) I can't even remember my kids' names. I think that's why people use copious nicknames - can't remember the real ones.

    Thanks, cutie.


  • thinker

    Waiting and Seven. Keep up the good work. I plan on staying around. Hope you will accept my invitation sent to your email.

  • m2u

    ANTICHRIST: You sound like what I call an "STB"

    STB-Stupid Teenage Boy
    Stupid Twentysomething Boy
    Stupid Thirtysomething Boy
    One thing for're a boy, and your stupid.


  • RR

    He's more than that ... he's insensitive, perhaps he should join the Witnesses.

    Seven, my heart and prayers go out to you! Keep the faith!

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

  • TR

    My heart goes out to you gals, Seven and Waiting, and all those that have been victims of these pieces of human debris.(such as Anti-Brain)

    Today, the police called and told me the guy named Bryon Au, who has been phoning the abused teen that moved in with us, is a level 3 sex offender. Thank God he's in jail right now. Tomorrow, we are going to the police station to file a restraining order.

    Every time I turn around, there are people who have been victimized by these filthy animals. It makes me wonder, everytime I look at another man, if he is a sex offender or not. I literally cannot trust anyone I don't know well around my kids, or any others for that matter.

    The penal institutions turn these vial excuses for humans loose after they've served their "time". Then they put out a feeble attempt at warning the public. I'm damn ready to form a lynch mob. I cannot bare the thought of waiting for God to do something about it. Victims after victims are piling up right before my eyes.

    If God has not been able to prevent any victims thus far in history, then I have a hard time believing in a God. I am REALLY PISSED!


  • waiting

    Hey Tom,

    I'm sorry you're in such anger for the girl who your family is helping. Lousy situation.

    Many perpretators are men. But statistics bear out that many are women also. Being a woman, that causes me no pain over my sisters. We can be just as screwed up/evil as the brothers. And we prove it.

    There are many good books on the market dealing with abuse and the aftermath. I'm sure your wife has had training - dealing with children, it's a common situation.

    Take care.


  • Seven

    RR, m2u & TR, Thank you gentlemen for visiting and responding to this thread. Your prayers and support is appreciated.


  • RR

    No problem, a former 'girlfriend' of mine [JW's at the time] was raped by an elders son. Nothing of course was done to him, as he was not baptized, and she was made to feel that she was asking for it, and that it was all her fault. She of course has to live with this nightmare.

    I also have a cousin, who graduated with top honors in both hight and college, she had everything going for her, she was on top of the world, whle going to work on morning, so nut, jumps her and after all is said and done, cuts her throat from ear to ear ... I don't have to tell you what damage that did to her. Although she is married now with children, the memories linger and her life was destroyed. It even made the front page of the New York Daily News.

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"


    dear Sevonofnine,

    I have just read your posting entitled shame and guilt - it made me cry.. You know much better than I that Rape is probably the worst crime immaginable but whatever the history and circumstances surrounding your trauma, don't ever feel guilt or shame. You were and remain the victim of a heinous crime and your path to peace and closure may be long and difficult. Know that you are in the hearts and thoughts of many and please I beg you, do not feel guilty.

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