Are we entering a new era?

by BurnTheShips 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Word

    China's communism will collapse

    China will turn into a typical ex-communist country.

    USA's capitalism will collapse to

    USA will turn into ?

    Yes we are entering a new era

  • hamilcarr
    China is the new superpower!

    Naah! We don't need a substitute superpower.

  • BurnTheShips

    A hilarious expose for one of the architects of the US credit crisis. Set to the ABBA classic: "Banking Queen".


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I think we are in the starting stage for an economic recovery in 2009, there is usually an air of optimism that occurs right after a new administration has come into

    office, lets hope it will occur this time as well .

    There are certainly high expectations for Obama and his chosen administration, thats bound to spark something positive for me

    I guess what I'm trying to say is we might very well now be at the bottom position of a spring board and the only direction we can go now is up, now fast is debatable.

  • Gregor

    The tone of the essay was pretty grim, "end of civilization as we know it". However, it is agreed by many that this will be a
    "watershed" historical time. The balance of world economic power will probably shift. British historian and author, Paul Johnson has an interesting take on why this is in the Nov. 17, '08 Forbes mag article "Can We Afford Liberalism Now?" Here is one paragraph from the article:

    India and China are progress-loving yet morally old fashioned societies. They cannot afford liberalism. Their vast populations have only recently begun to emerge from subsistence living. Their strength is in the close, hard-working, family unit in which parents train their children to work diligently at school and go to university when possible so they can aquire real and useful qualifications to then go out into the world as professional men and women determined to reach the top."

    This, unfortunately, is not the vision of liberal western society. We are not built for hardships. (We would starve to death before we would drill for fuel in a pretty spot, etc.).

  • leavingwt

    I'm confident that we can nuke our way out of it.

  • BurnTheShips
    I'm confident that we can nuke our way out of it.

    Or be nuked out of it. It seems to me that "eras"--as outlined in the article above--tend to progress with bellic paroxysms as the inflection points.

  • PrimateDave

    I have to smile when people claim that the Chinese are communists. Do a search on "China billionaires." What the Chinese really are is Command Capitalists.

    It is very hard to trust the "official" US government figures on GDP, inflation, and unemployment. Some claim that GDP is overstated while inflation and unemployment are grossly understated. We may have been in a recession for longer than just the past year.

    The problem with the economy is that there is too much debt. How can it resume "normal" growth if the debt built up from the previous growth has yet to be paid back? How can the North American consumer take on additional debt? When will transparency be restored to the markets?

    These are uncharted waters.


  • WTWizard

    Somehow I think our leaders are going to sell us out to the New World Dark Ages. Then everything is going to be out of our control--we will be run by powers that we have no ability to get booted out of power. They will seize control of us, and every other country in the world. Freedom will be gone. Our constitution will be gone. And, it will be a totalitarian world run by people that have the technology to squash every tool that has ever been used to undermine their authority.

    This is not fiction. This is actually happening. How many people understand what Codex Alimentarius actually is? It is marketed as a world standard in food quality, as if it were a positive thing. In actuality, it is a means for Monsanto and the drug giants to control the whole world food supply--putting Monsanto in control of the whole world. (And they make Bush look tame.) Any food additive not explicitly permitted is forbidden. Your magnesium and vitamin C supplements you have been taking all your life with only good results will become illegal, just like heroin is now. All food will have to be from Monsanto. They will not label genetically altered foods, thus forcing you to take risks without knowing it or consenting. All dairy will be required to have Monsanto growth hormones. And you think Monsanto will have incentive to improve their products so they become genuinely beneficial? Not if they are given this power.

    Additionally, we are headed for a global currency, global identification (implants with known health hazards but they are willing to force you to accept it anyways), forced vaccination whether or not you believe the benefits are worth the risk, and a global network that manages every detail of your life. This might not be so far off as you might think--and they only have to declare martial law in the United States or get enough of our traitor-congresspeople to vote to sell us out to accomplish this. Never mind China--this country is in debt to the point that Monsanto could well buy us out.

    Or, worse yet, the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery. Let them buy us out, and Monsanto will look like Jesus himself by comparison. You and I will all be owned by Ted Jaracz and his successors. They will live to be 200, while everyone else is dying at age 30. Life will be drudgery from birth to an early death for everyone else. For sure, one more reason not to donate anything to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

  • ninja

    guys,guys......calm are starting to sound like them conspiracy theorists.........he he

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