Born again JW's?

by free2beme 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • sspo

    Leaving the watchtower after 32 years of believing lies from the bible and watchtower, i've come to conclusion all those that believe in after life and everything in the bible is schezophrenic and lives in a fantasy world or a world of conspiracy that everyone is out there to get you, especially the devil. Enjoy life right now because when you die you go back to the dust, no hell or heaven.

  • Farkel

    : I am sorry, but I just find it so hard to see a bunch of former Witnesses doing the whole born again thing.

    It is a bigger scam than anything the WTS has pulled off. It's loaded with circular reasoning and it is a "feel good" theory for people who are basically, losers.

    "Are you 'born again, sir/madam?'

    "Why, yes, I am!"

    "Does that mean you are guaranteed eternal salvation?"

    "Yes, it does!

    "What if you screw up?"

    "Then I wasn't REALLY 'born again'."

    "But you MIGHT screw up, right?"

    "Yes, that is possible, but since I'm 'born again' I probably won't screw up."

    "But what if you do screw up?"

    "Then I guess I wasn't really 'born again'."

    "So being 'born again' is just a load of bullshit, right?"

    "Not to me it isn't."

    "So, just don't screw up."

    "I won't."

    "But you just MIGHT screw up, huh? So being 'born again' is a selfish delusion, because it really doesn't mean anything. It does nothing but make you feel good AS LONG as you don't screw up. If you DO screw up, you are back to going in the toilet. It doesn't confer any guarantee of anything now, does it?"

    "Fuck off. I'm 'born again' and you aren't. You will never understand how wonderful that is for me."

    "Only in your own mind, Pharisee."

    "Fuck off."

    "Is is acceptable for 'born again' folks to swear like that?"

    "Fuck off."

    Well, there you have it all in a nut shell.


  • mouthy

    The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.

    So sorry that you think it is a load of " tommy rot"But I was born again in the spirit,in the flesh 1927...Yes! It is a gift. I hope you receive that gift one day....
    Ask & you will receive !!!!!

    Put down the rocks guys.... I am going to bed now dont need to be rocked to sleep
    I still have a mansion waiting for me one day....

  • mouthy

    Farkel I screwed up when I was born in the flesh many times

    Will probably will screw up now I am born in the spirit. But MY DAD!!!! Loves me & forgives me.... What a Savior.

  • poppers

    Let's face it, people are so conditioned to the notion they must believe something that they will go to something new when old beliefs are seen to be lacking. It's too scary a proposition to let all beliefs go because one's very identity is so entwined with beliefs, especially religious ones. Those are the ones that provide the most obvious parameters in how to live, how to view life, how to interact with others, and what one's place is in relation to the mysteries of life. So it doesn't really matter which religion one adopts as long as there is SOMETHING to believe in. After all, what am "I" without a belief to follow, is a question that hardly anyone is willing to discover.

  • mouthy

    . So it doesn't really matter which religion one adopts as long as there is SOMETHING !!!

    Poppers I dont have a religion dont attend a church . I find many that come out of the WT belive in ANYTHING!!!!

    My Something Created the Heavens & Earth what did your Anything do????

  • poppers

    Mouthy, god luv ya, you've illustrated my point of identifying with a belief, which often includes religion but not necessarily so. That's what happens when you have them, you feel compelled to defend them when they are challenged and question those whose beliefs aren't the same. They are what keeps people separate from everyone and everything else, especially those whose beliefs about God are different. What is different is suspect and becomes the seed of discord and eventually violence. They tend to distort reality because everything is measured in relation to them, and by the way, who is the authority on which belief system is the correct one? What is "this" that we find ourselves in when belief of every kind is released? What/who am "I" really, when every belief is relinquished? Life is here right now, so what is that actually like if I don't filter it in some way by some sort of belief? Are you curious enough to find out, are you courageous enough to look? Is there a fear that prevents you from at least exploring this further? By the way, the way you quoted me distorts what I said.

  • NowImFree

    I left the JWs about 6 years ago, disassociated and consider myself a born again Christian. My faith is not in religion, it is in Christ. I always believed in God, ever since I was a little kid, as far back as I can remember. My mother raised me as a JW. I did not lose my faith in God when I left the organization, my faith in God grew when I left because I realized who Jesus is and went to him for salvation instead of men. What I lost faith in was the Watchtower Organization because I realized they are a false prophet and very destructive. That is not God's fault, I was in it because my mother raised me in it because she was deceived.

    Free2beme, you have your set of beliefs just as I do. We all have to come to our own conclusions. You cannot understand why people like me have faith or believe in life after this life. But, I cannot imagine this life being all there is. I cannot imagine losing a child and thinking that I would never ever ever see them again. I cannot imagine loving people in this world with all my heart and soul, and believing that this short time here is it and none of us will ever be together again or be able to love each other ever again. That would be heart breaking beyond imagination for me. To believe that we are alone and that no all powerful being is seeing the good and evil going on and that there will be no real justice, ever, would be complete emptiness for me. My life is so much more richer in this life BECAUSE of my belief in God. You cannot comprehend how we can believe but for me, I cannot comprehend the emptiness of not believing. I would be terrified all the time of losing loved ones, because I would think this is it, this is all there is. It would be beyond depressing for me, it would be total dispair. Do you have children or close family members? If so, how would you feel if they died and you believe you would never see them again, that they are gone forever? If you feel that way, I don't know how you could survive it honestly. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say.

    Take care,


  • sspo

    All those that claim to be born again and have a relationship with Jesus, would you mind telling me when was last time he talked to you about anything? Please don't come back and tell me he talks to you thru the bible...... if he's alive and doing well and you talk to him every day,,,,,once again when was last time he answered you. Could it be you're living in a fantasy world. keep in mind all those that pray to other "GODS" feel the same way as you do, that they have a personal relationship with them.

  • NowImFree

    Hi sspo,

    If you really want to know about me personally, I had many personal experiences including a dream unlike anything I had ever experienced. The dream occurred after I had been praying for direction about the witnesses on if I should disassociate or stay in for a while. I had thought it would be good to stay in the organization so that I could try to talk to my JW family about what I had found out about the organization, kind of a closet born again Christian within the organization. I really thought that would be an OK thing to do, at least for a while. Well, that night I woke up about 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning because I had an intense dream or, not sure what it was was. I was so shook up I woke up my son and told him what had happened to me. The very next evening, the PO of my hall called and wanted to meet with me to discuss "what had been going on with me". I had not been to the hall in year nor had I tried to contact anyone or seen anyone. But all of this happened within 24 hours. He ended up coming over the next morning and I had a long debate with him and I disassociated that day. There is a whole lot more that happened andit proved to me that God is really involved in peoples lives, especially when they believe in him. And if you believe, he will prove it in amazing ways.

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