Cutest Santa photo ever (just my opinion)

by Mulan 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    That is perfect:) I think I know that santa!! Where'd you find him? I was at a store the other day and saw this gentleman and I thought-SANTA-but thought he probably got that all the time:) So I shut up and admired him.

  • Dagney

    Oh my goodness! I think that is the cutest!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Nice!!!! He looks like the real Santa! Could it be!

  • Mulan

    Here is a photo of same Santa with the baby's big brother, taken two years ago.

    This is why I think he is a genius at posing

  • chickpea

    brilliant execution to be sure.....

    lovely, memorable photos!

    thanks for sharing!

  • Purza

    Great photo Mulan!

    Try to stay warm, I know you guys are being hit with some major snow!


  • purplesofa

    so very cute, thanks for sharing. purps

  • Gregor

    Sweet. Look at the cheeks on that kid! very cute. I love babies.

  • Mulan

    Great photo Mulan!

    Try to stay warm, I know you guys are being hit with some major snow!

    Yes, it's in the teens here, and a blizzard is on the way. We both have major cabin fever. Probably won't have a White Christmas though. It's supposed to rain by Wednesday.

    I am just so glad I got my shopping done early.

    I have two little grandsons who haven't been to see Santa yet, and their Mom is in the hospital recovering from back surgery. Their house is way out in the country in a hilly area, and they are really snowed in. We are hoping to get them to Santa in the next few days.

    This weather is beginning to get on my nerves.

  • lisavegas420

    OMG...the second phote is adorable too.

    He's a professional Santa. Very cool.


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