Dear friend to be DF'd this week ,advice please!

by wobble 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wobble

    A dear friend of mine is to be D'f'd this week,coz she re-married a non-JW. She divorced her arrogant bullying (Min serv and Reg Pio.) husband a couple of years ago.

    She moved from our congo's area at the time ,and I don't think she has associated with another congo.

    She also lost her dear Mum recently,the funeral is on Monday. the viscous ba***ards of Elduhs wanted to D'F her BEFORE the funeral,she has lots of relatives "in" so would have made that difficult! They have agreed to delay till after.

    I was going to suggest to her that she play on the grief and ask for more delay and string it out as long as possible, I don't think she really cares about being D'Fd that much,but it would delay the satisfaction of her self-righteous pig of an ex-husband,I'm sure it's down to him she is being persued anyway,he is a vindictive sod.

    Any ideas advice etc. please?



  • blondie

    So she is being df'd for marrying a non-jw or remarrying when the WTS doesn't think she is scripturally free? I have never seen anyone df'd for just marrying a non-jw, but I have when they were not "free" to do so in the opinion of the BOE.

    I don't think delaying it indefinitely is an option for them. I am surprised they were considerate enough to delay it until after the funeral. A jw can delay it by 7 days by appealing the decision, FYI.

  • yknot

    Give her a copy of the Eldum Manual.

    But most of all be a ready friend.

  • sacolton

    Yes, show her real Christian love and compassion in her time of need. She'll need lots of support now.

  • wobble

    Thanks all, good advice,

    I and my Wife will always be here for her,she is being DF'd for not being scripturally free.

    I just think her former husband has pushed the E's into this,he has not re-married and as she divorced him for his bullying etc. she is not "free" but has married anyway,a nice normal, never JW, guy.

    I still think it will be fun to mess with the Elders over convening a JC for as long as possible if she is willing.



  • iceguy

    Give your friend lots of support...I'm sure most the JW's will already shun her because JW's just love gossip and i'm sure if her ex knows she's getting df'd he has probably told the best of the gossiping JW's in that cong to be sure it was spread to every member!

  • crazyblondeb

    I think in front of another elder, (I'd pick out the asshole of the group), and tell

    them that "yes I am scripturally free, after that one night affair we had"!!


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I am glad she is moving on... she will eventually be much happier for escaping her abusive relationship with her husband and her religion.

  • garybuss

    I found if I play with the pigs in the pig pen, eventually I'm gonna get dirty. The only surprise for me is if Jehovah's Witnesses don't screw me over. And all the slime balls aren't elders.

    I feel sorry for a kid who can't get away from the Witnesses, but I don't have much sympathy for a full grown adult who stays with the group by choice and then gets screwed over. Witnesses screw people over. It's their purpose in life.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its for the very reasons such as this that she should write a letter to each elder that she assumes is involved with this DFing to say a big thank you.

    Perhaps within the letter she should also state that she can see the obviously corrupt power that those men have obtained for themselves and its for this reason staying away

    from such people are in her best interests.

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