Classic Film Clips!!

by watson 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • beksbks

    Watson!!! Ok, I don't want to oversell, but I swear, send me your address, and I will send you this film. It's amazing. The performances alone are worth it, the story is must. With a box of tissue.

  • beksbks

    I'm off to bed now my friend, I think I will put in Braveheart, and skim for my favorite scenes. Or is that too much before sleep? Maybe just some music.

  • watson

    Nighty night...will add Glory to my Netflix selection.

    Bracing for snow this weekend, so movies and fire place stuff this weekend.

    Have a good evening.

  • stillajwexelder

    John Wayne at his absolute best - I still get goose bumps at this scene

  • stillajwexelder

    Well I got a thread locked yesterday for posting a great clip - I swear to you it is heavily edited though you can tell Britt Eckland is nude.

    So to avoid that go to youtube and type in "The Wicker Man" the select Willows Song - it features Britt Eckland and it is the most beautiful haunting song - extremely tasteful and yeT profoundly erotic - all agree on youtube it is a classic clip from the Original Wicker MAN -ITSELF A CLASSIC FILM'

    Britt Eckland playing the innkeepers daughter is summoning Edward Woodward to her bed in song. ABSOLUTE CLASSIC - even better if you do not see it on youtube but in the original version of the film

  • ninja
    ninja someone make this favourite part of a

  • oompa

    would someone remind me how to post pics and clips dang it...i want to post that girl washin the car in Cool Hand Luke.....oompa

  • stillajwexelder

    Go to youtube and get

  • stillajwexelder

    Sorry - go to youtube and get the clip

    Then highlight the URL in the address bar and copy.

    Go toi JWD and get thhis thread.

    Hit reply and it the box paste

    Click submit and all should be good

  • cameo-d

    Please help me remember title of this movie.

    It was a war time. The two enemy troops ran into each other and called a truce for xmas.

    Then next day something happened...a stray shot or something....and they began firing at each other...but it was all over a mistake.

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