Classic Film Clips!!

by watson 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • watson

    NOOOO, not the "pack."

  • watson

    One of the best republican W.A.S.P. clips!!

  • Gregor

    Always get teary at the end of Grapes of Wrath. I also teared up at the end of the book which was different but powerful. A synopsis:

    The final scene in The Grapes of Wrath is one meant to instill some modicum of hope. The debilitated Rose of Sharon breastfeeds the starving man in the barn to sustain him. She gives what was meant for her baby to a complete stranger, an example of selfless sacrifice for the sake of community instead of individual well-being. Yet it took a deep personal loss, the delivery of a stillborn child, to enable Rose of Sharon to aid the man. She cares for the anonymous man with the same love as she would her child, eschewing her selfish individual concerns for a communal good.

  • beksbks

    OMG Watson! That may very well be my favorite movie. Hmmm I wonder if I can find my favorite scene........................

    That's an amazing one you've got there

  • watson

    Amazing. This is my new favorite movie. For "decades," it was Zhivago, now it's, Yes.......Mel's "Braveheart." Favorite sceen....I'm waiting....

  • Gregor

    you don't mean the "scene" with Patrick McGoohan and his son and friend?

  • beksbks

    Watson, I can't find it. But if you know your Braveheart, you'll know the scene. It's Falkirk, and Wallace chases down one of the Aynglish knights, and it turns out to be ..........................Robert the Bruce. Wallace was ready to fight and die for him, the betrayal on his face is priceless, as is the realization by The Bruce. Pure anguish on the part of both, agghhh it's fantastic.

  • watson

    Yes, I know the sceen for sure. Big.

  • beksbks
    you don't mean the "scene" with Patrick McGoohan and his son and friend?

    No, but that's pretty satisfying!

    I saw that movie with my nephew in the theater. We were the only ones who cared to spend the time I guess, we came out of it yelling and brandishing our swords!! Very impressed we were.

  • beksbks

    Dangit Watson, there is no way I have time to watch that sucker tonight, but you've got my blood boiling for it!

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