When You Were A JW Did You Prefer A Body of Elders or 1 Presiding Overseer?

by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Years before the elder arrangement, there was only one Presiding Overseer or Congregation Servant. He was THEE MAN. When I was growing up, we had 2 different men that held that position in the years I was in the Hall. I got along with both very well. I was a good theocratic boy.

    When the concept of a body of elders came out, it really rocked the congregations. For some it was a godsend. Others though contemplated the many possible problems that having a BOE might present. Being a teenager and being taught nothing but "never refuse an assignment from Jehovah", it gave me and others a goal that we never thought was possible. When I was appointed "by holy spirit" at age 24, I thought I could REALLY help those in need---but I was a kid myself. with a wife and baby! Plus, try telling a 50 year old couple how they should help their rebellious teenage kids......Yeah right.

    So my question is, did the body of elder arrangement really work better? (Even if you weren't a JW in the 60s, would you have wanted just one man to deal with?)

  • stillajwexelder

    I only knew the Body arrangement - but some POs (Co-ordinators of the Body of Elders -god that is a mouthful) still acted like they were God and were totally in charge even with a body arrangement. Guess whoe were the worst of all

    CORRECT - former Circuit Overseers who became POs when they came off circuit work

  • lawrence

    Talk about seeing a man on the brink of collapse meeting after meeting, just begging for some sleep. It was wild when a congo had an idiot appointed P.O. The decisons were beyond ludicrous. I remember one tyrant, Earl Kenyon, not the sharpest pencil, who caused death and damage - he snaked around like Mr. Bush, and made comparable decisions.

  • minimus

    Our POs were ok----unless they didn't like someone.

  • Blueblades

    We had one Presiding Overseer who was one of 144,000. He liked my family and would buy the children ice cream out in field service. We were invited to his room for drinks, and hung out with other annointed members, had dinner with them etc. We were new and gullible and in the early 70's it was fun and outings, picnics, games etc. Our Kingdom Hall was in the World Headquarters, hence The Governing Body was more visible and real to us at the time.

    That went away ( Gone With The Wind ) when the Body of Elders became the focus in our congregation.



    The 1 P/O deal was a nightmare,if the P/O did`nt like you..Ours was constantly giving my dad a hard time..One day that assh*le needed a job..My dad hired him..LOL!!...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • slimboyfat

    I liked it better when everyone in the congregation got an equal vote. Oh I am not old enough to remember that


    SBF..When did everyone in the congregation get an equal vote??..LOL!!..That`s funny even to think about.....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • yknot

    Umm ...... our KH is still pretty much run by the PO COTBOE, and by all looks will remain that way.

    The BOE is just a bunch of stool pigeons the COTBOE doles out tasks too...... but he runs the 'show'.

  • LockedChaos

    I preferred the
    Bodies of Sisters
    with me Presiding Over


    Had to say it

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