Merry Christmas and Season's Greetings and good bye all

by Bubblie 24 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Sparkplug

    I am glad you are here bubblie. If you and I were closer, we could tear up some fun. I really hope we see each other again. And very glad you are staying on.

    Till then, I love you, Think about you a lot.


  • Dagney

    Waving!! Hey hon!! xox


    Bubblie..Your staying?..Good!.....Most of us have had our bumps as a Newbie..It goes with the territory...................

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • AudeSapere

    Welcome Back!

    I hope the Meanies just let you be.


  • Bubblie

    The person who was mean to me was in a pm. I understand that everyone thinks that is private and the board is public. Since, only about seven people know who I am on here. The person that wrote me has hundreds of friends on here. She is with my former husband now. She moved in with him after I moved out. I haven't seen her on this board, yet. Hope she doesn't show up but if she does---I will stay away from her for sure. I will not say who either of them are, to protect the life they have chosen with each other. That hurts enough. They have each other I have my loving dog. It will take years to get over the divorce but I am working through it. My losses are great, major loss: My marriage to divorce, resulting losses: my best friend and companion, my home, my job, finiancial security, ties to his family, sense of failure, moving to a new area, loss of religion (just left in 2005), loss of friends, loss of the familiar, and loss of self worth. However, I will not always feel as I do now. I am doing okay. Grief will not destroy me. I will make it through this experience just as others have before me. Tears are a sign that I am on the way to recovery. I am taking charge of my own grief. I soon hope to reach the place where there are less tears and more laughter. I hope it is soon, thank you to my friends on here for the encouragement and kind words. And my new friends I have made since my move to Tennessee.

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