Being new we invited 30 brothers over for dinner. We got an invite once?!

by Witness 007 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • RR

    Personally, I generally don't like people. Strange as that may sound. I am very antisocial. I hate large crowds of people. I have no problem standing on a stage giving an hour sermon, or leading a study, but once I'm off the stage, don't talk to me. I like small circles, I have always had a small circle of friends. When I first started my association with the JWs, a few tried to befriend me. But I realized that I just didn't belong. I found myself associating with older ones, going to their homes and sitting around chatting one on one, about Truth, personal experiences, our lifes, etc.

    people my age (at the time in my 20s) seeed interesting in one thing, finding a mate. Gatherings were nothing more than "pickup bars". The one friend I had was like me of spanish descendant, his roommate was in the spanish congregation, they were always having parties with loud music, not only do I hate Spanish music, I don't like loud music and large crowds. I don't know perahps I am dysfunctional.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The vibe from headquarters I got was that socializing led to stumbling. All time should be spent reading the Bible, studying WT publications, and preaching. Besides, social activities might lead to "happiness", something entirely inappropriate for these "last days". So, everyone should be lonely, stressed, and unhappy, placing the blame for that on Satan's system and it's demands.

    Depression... it's the new WT Kool-Aid.

    B the X

  • shopaholic
    Keeping JW friends when you don't believe it anymore must be hard as hell for those who try...

    Its was difficult for me, which is why I finally started accepting invites from non-JW. Especially if the know that you are not regular in the meeting, they are always trying to trip you up in conversation so they can convict you of a sin. Now when I'm with a JW, it seems a little weird and almost like a waste of time.

    For the single parents, folks were afraid that your loins were on fire and you wanted to jump their mate. I've heard this plenty of times among the JW women. This is the same reason they don't invite single women between 27 - 45. I have known women, married and single, to be invited to events on the condition that they wear certain a sackcloth. Its so crazy its sad.

  • JW Walking Away
    JW Walking Away
    this might come as a surprise to some...but it much worse if you're a single mother.

    Or have a non-JW spouse, that's the boat I was in. I often would invite people over for dinner or invite the pioneers over for lunch. No one ever included me or my children in anything. My kids didn't even have any friends, all the kids kept their distance. I had some "friends" who I could go out in field service with but that was it. No one ever called, no one asked to do anything with me them. The only time I was included in anything was when their was a congregation get together but even then I ended up by myself watching everyone else socialize.

    And it wasn't for lack of trying. I'm very social and so are my kids. I would go around and say hello to everyone and try to start conversations but no one was interested.

    Guess all I can say at this point is good ridence.

  • ninja

    i got invited to everyone's house.....only once though.......I need to get rid of the habit of peeing in peoples fridges....especially when they're trying to get the milk out of the fridge at the same time

  • yknot
    I must have gone to the Party Kingdom Hall. We were doing things with others every weekend: skiing, clubbing, swim parties, slumber parties, etc. Not just our congregation, but maybe four or five surrounding congregations! The whole time I was growing up our Hall got together in the park for picnics and softball games, etc. My Grandmother's hall got together at someone's house after every Sunday meeting for softball and food. Guess I was lucky that way. Of course, that was the late 70's, early 80's and I was out in around 81.

    Country Girl....... your congregation sounds like that one who used to share a hall with Onion Creek.

    My original KH (and later ones I attended in CA) were like yours...... and yes to some extent it was a 'spiritual paradise'.

    Billy X said: The vibe from headquarters I got was that socializing led to stumbling

    This is what I saw at KHs that were full of converts or those that never had people progress beyond local territories.

    Yknot...... of the stuck out in the boonies in a congregation who has never qualified for the privilege of speaking at an assembly (so you know we are really on the bottom of this sh*t pile!)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea it's a weird social scene. I know my ex was really upset after a while in our congregation about socializing or the lack thereof. Bookstudy was in our apartment and she was pioneering at the time, but u would think we were was on the fringe as we weren't invited anywhere. After some canceled plans we moved to a different congregation.

    That first congregation also had an issue with anyone associating outside the congregation. Weird rules. I remember going to a gathering with some friends in a different congregation and I was later asked why I was associating with others outside the congregation. My response was that I understood that this is a world wide organization.

  • aniron

    We often used to have other JWs to have a meal, at least once a month. Even those who had children.

    In 25 years probably count on one hand the number who ever invited us.

  • mustang
    Personally, I generally don't like people. Strange as that may sound. I am very antisocial. I hate large crowds of people. I have no problem standing on a stage giving an hour sermon, or leading a study, but once I'm off the stage, don't talk to me.

    Can I see something wrong here? Should I see something wrong here? I see individuality. I see what WTS suppresses.

    But I recollect (James, I believe) the Bible writer saying that "I give some as teachers, some as.. (other)...". As odious as James was, he recognized the individual. James is the one that pushed works and that is necessary for the Churches (RCC & WTS and others) to beat you with to keep you in submission. Yet he could see different people with different talents and different needs. What a contrast

    WTS can't admit to this or they would come unglued: they can't allow for individuality.


  • jam

    In the late 60,s when I came in ,there was some wild gathering..My wife and I were invited out a lot..One thing I notice , in most cases the gathering were all couples in their 30,s or 40,s no single friends and all very beautiful people, I mean nice looking couples..The booze oh my god...All these brothers where elders, we where new..The good old days...

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