NEW KM style

by stillajwexelder 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    If that is true, and it does seem credible, that many of the recent (and future) changes have been prompted by legal issues...

    ...even if you don't agree with the Witnesses it is all a bit sad isn't it? Over a century of preaching and organizing and proclaiming 'theocracy's increase' - all that brought low by a concern to avoid having to pay out legal damages. Hitler's SS couldn't compromise the Watchtower organization, but American lawyers have got the whole edifice crumbling down.

    What an ignominious end to Watchtower history.

  • dozy

    I’ve always thought the WTS have been all too willing to react in a knee jerk fashion to perceived legal problems. They were totally sold down the river over Data Protection in the UK , acting like a “bunch of headless chickens” according to one Bethelite and panicking into bizarre changes.

    I often have this image of the largely elderly , naive and poorly educated GB having meetings with a few sharp dressed clever JW lawyers giving a presentation on the latest “legal issues” and legislation and basically taking on board every suggestion , lacking the real world experience & common sense to challenge the opinions given or seek other advice. They certainly don’t have the option to consult with other churches and their legal teams. It doesn’t help that they start from a position that the whole world is out to attack Jehovah’s witnesses , so any changes are perceived as persecution from Satan.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Interesting discussion. I will only add this: The WTS has made changes to cover tracks, or to make the product glitter for a long time. I recall when Back-calls had to include a certain amount of time at the door and a required number of scriptures to be read. They changed all that and called them Rv's. I must agree with the early poster who likened it to rearranging chairs on the Titanic. The more the WTS changes, the more it remains the same. Still, I hope the iceburg had already ripped the hole that will take her down. Jeff

  • still_in74
    I don't think dropping the figures from the KM can be explained on the basis of trying to cover up bad numbers. As others have mentioned the figures have actually been getting slightly better for them in the past few years. Nothing spectacular but a bit improved. If they were going to drop the numbers out of embarrassment you might have expected them to do it around 2000 or 2001 when the figures were really quite bad.

    ok I havent caught up on this entire thread but......

    the new format contains just a snapshot of highlights. For January it said that bible studies of august (or sept. I cant remember) were up by "several thousand" over the same month last year.

    Well no duh, everything is a bible study now! All you have to do is read a paragraph out of the require brochure and you get to count a bible study. Wives get to count the family study as a bible study.
    Just wait until the new year when the "family study night" increases start rolling in. There will be enormous increases in bible studies! The numbers dont event mean anything anymore....

  • blondie

    Actually, only one parent can count the bible study, just as if you went on a study with someone, you could both count the time, but only one the bible study. The change with family studies is that now both parents can count the time, up to 4 hours each per month.

  • stillajwexelder

    I agree - we are going to see more changes and something big is afoot

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Question is Stilla will it be big enough to push the likes of you and me to make a move towards the exit?!

  • bonnzo

    come on stilla, there is no such thing as bigisafoot.

  • yknot

    I agree with Besty to a point......but I would say they are 'new' deck chairs being re-arranged on the Titantic

    This isn't 'big' per se but it is the 'begining' of a revamped, more retainable WTS.

    Money is in making and keeping people in their seats.

    Teddy boy...... you are on the losing end of this game, try to lose gracefully.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Well I think that not publishing their annual report would be big... indicating that trouble is seriously brewing and they are becoming more secretive.

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