Baby it's cold outside

by mrsjones5 23 Replies latest social family

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    If it makes you feel better, I am cold here too. Probably will be until June. More excuses to cuddle!

  • Seeker4

    Yo, Mrs Jones! My last name is Smith. When I look at your avatar I always think of the song, "Me..and...Mrs. Jones..."

    Here in Vermont it is quite, quite cold. With wind chill, around 0 in some places. Tonight, I have the wood furnace blazing and the house is warmer than when we're burning oil. My son just came by, cold as hell, having been up in the woods deer hunting here behind where I live. Yeah, baby, this is being connected to your space and time and geography. Heating yourself with the wood that grows here, eating the meat of the animals that live here. Cynegetic man, for sure!!

    I have learned to embrace the cold. Dress warm in thermal underwear and layers of fleece, wool, Carharts and pac boots, step outside and let the cold embrace you like a lover. Do what has to be done, then it's inside, cuddled under a down blanket with your partner, fireplace, woodstove or electric heater filling the space with warmth, a great scotch or Irish whiskey or wine in the glass, good comfort food, laughter, explosive, wet and hot sex, funny or sad or exciting or romantic movies on the DVD player, your favorite music on the CD player, candles and incense against the 4:30 darkness.

    December and the Solstice is the most magical time of the year for me. Knowing that, where I live, if you stepped outside ill-prepared you could die in short order, makes life all the more amazing. We made love this past Saturday night/Sunday morning more than most people do in a year. Hell, more than some people do in a lifetime.

    Embrace the winter, and make love to that handsome man of yours so he'll be warm for a week just thinking about it! You'll never dread winter again....


  • mrsjones5

    Embrace the winter, and make love to that handsome man of yours so he'll be warm for a week just thinking about it! You'll never dread winter again....

    Ya, being in a colder climate make ya appreciate that warm body next to yours. A down coverlet doesn't hurt either.

  • GentlyFeral

    It's just short of midnight as I read this thread. My daughter's dipping into the homemade lentil soup after a long, delightful day planting 400-500 vegetable plants; our daughter-in-law just gave her the run of their big backyard. We'll have greens, onions and maybe even broccoli all winter long.

    I just had a client a couple hours ago and tomorrow I'll plan some altar work I promised her. I'm trying to adhere to my new rule, "in bed, toked up and reading by ten pm," so I can get up before noon. But I missed the deadline tonight

    gently feral

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