why are freemasons pushing "the chip"?

by ninja 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips

    And just what is "the chip"?

    Here is a little info on how it works in Florida, USA:



  • Uzzah

    Just to add to the paranoia, note how those evil Masons are partnering with such dangerous and subversive groups like Child Find, police departments and other child welfare community groups.

  • Finally-Free

    Never mind the Masons! They are merely tools employed by the Great Bird God Rocco, and they are sent forth to do his bidding. Just wait until his feathered accomplices invade your homes and begin destroying your furniture, chewing buttons off your shirts, and hogging all the whipped cream from your desserts! At this very moment he's downstairs working on his nefarious plot!



  • megs

    Maybe they own shares in the company that produces them...

  • watson

    That does it!! I am arming myself...

  • zions watchman
    zions watchman

    What better way to help the community... or DO YOU WANT THE BLOCK TO BE WORKED MORE EXCLUSLVE BY THE JW'S with the join us and then if you don't follow our way.. we will DISFELLOWSHIP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OFF WHAT EVER RIDE, YOU ARE ON BECAUSE IT IS BEING DRIVEN BY YOUR jw ROOTS.

  • ninja

    hey fuzzy....I know you are a mason mate........I have no problem with masons as people...I know some.....it's the system.....for instance....do you know they admit to misleading you?

    "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them.
    Albert Pike: Morals and Dogma, p. 819

  • ninja

    and if we want to get serious about this loving "helpful to the community" group.....why would a charitable group of people dress like this for their initiations? Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • ninja

    and here are the similarities between freemasonry (aka...the craft) and witchcraft....
    "A: Both are built on a foundation system of three degrees, with a few forms of Wicca offering some higher degrees after the third degree has been achieved.

    B: Both are secret societies in that both membership rolls are secret, and secrets are kept from the general populace (to a greater or lesser degree) by both religions. Both generally meet in secret, except for rare open and public events.

    C: Both have highly ceremonial initiations to pass from one degree to another, including sworn oaths.

    D: Both have ceremonial purgings and purifications of their ritual space before commencing any ritual work.

    E: The precise similarities between the two groups are that both groups:

    1. Cause candidates to strip off all secular clothing;
    2. Cause the candidate to be divested of all metal;
    3. Hoodwink (blindfold) the candidate and ceremonially tie ropes around him (though the form of the tying varies);
    4. Cause the candidate to stand in the Northeast corner of the 'temple' in the first degree;
    5. Challenge the candidate by piercing their naked chest with a sharp instrument (witches use a sword, Masons, the point of a compass);
    6. Challenge the candidate with secret passwords;
    7. Lead the candidate blindfolded in a circumambulation (walking round) of the temple; and
    8. Require the candidate to swear solemn oaths of secrecy before being given custody of the secrets of the group...
    9. Both have a ceremonial unhoodwinking of the candidate, following the oath, before lighted candles that is intended to bring 'illumination'.
    10. Both convey to the new initiate the "working tools" pertinent to that degree, and each of their uses are taught to them.
    11. In both, the tools have correspondences both in the ceremonial realm and in similarities to human reproduction.
    12. Both, in the higher degrees, take the initiate through a ritual death-and rebirth experience in which the initiate acts the part of a hero (heroine) of the craft.
    13. Both cause the candidate to endure (while being blindfolded) being picked up, spun around, carried around, being jolted or struck from person to person. This is supposed to produce an 'altered state of consciousness'."

  • ninja

    notice the rope round the candidates neck?.....it's called a cable tow....what does it really symbolise?...it is the umbilical cord...as the initiate is born to Isis (the mystery religion)......this is the real reason freemasons are called "widows sons" .....NOT after hiram abiff the widows son

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