JW's who are proud of their non-JW children

by JimmyPage 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • shopaholic
    It's like they are saying, since they are not a JW, I am sooooo glad they are successful in the "world"

    I used to tell this to folks all the time and I stand by it. If you a JW kid doesn't want to pioneer, then they should use the world to the full. Otherwise...what's the point. I was shocked one time when I heard an elder tell a brother this after he came off the pioneer list.

    Just a little off topic but not really...I had a friend get df'd one time for fornication. When she got reinstated and later showed me a pic of the guy, I was like "you got dissed for that?". My reasoning never changed, if you're gonna get df'd for fornication the man should be FIIIINNNE or at least kind of good-looking. The guy she got df'd for, it was not a matter of taste, he was obviously unattractive in so many ways.

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