The Watch Tower will implode

by Hiddenwindow 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More


    I am with you! I give it to 2014 and that's being generous...there is far too much information out there for the Watchtower doomsday cult to carry on with their charade much past that date...there hasn't been a date for a few years now and you can already see the fallout...this religion NEEDS A DATE to continue and there isn't one...even the diehards are getting sick of the soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, soon, ad nauseaum.

  • LovesDubs

    I have to think that with all the WARNINGS they consistently and persistently put out about apostates and opposers and staying away from them and staying away from the internet and staying away from colleges and staying away from even your own KIDS if they arent baptized....THAT they are VERY afraid. If all things were good and stable and they had the truth and God was helping and supporting them...they would NOT have to declare war THEMSELVES on us. Wouldnt God be increasing them? Wouldnt God be supporint his Chosen Ones? Wouldnt there be a consistent increase in their numbers and baptisms? We see NONE of that.

    The reality is...God is not supportive of anything as hateful and devisive as this cult is and they are fighting an uphill battle staving off the inevitable exodus. They are panicking...."PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!! I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!"

  • Gayle

    The U.S.S.R. imploded with dramatic final end. Their people were broke, in tremendous food lines, etc. Their youth, free-thinkers, progressive people rejoiced when it ended. The old people still miss the old way, they want to be taken care of like the old way promised them. The old JWs will want the mind-numbing programs the rest of their lives and spend hours and hours of empty-talk promising to take their problems away and cling to a 'la-la' future, instead of taking charge to improve their lives with education and developing realistic skills of survival. The JW youth are fleeing thankfully more and more, the old parents rejecting their own children, only to leave themselves into more despair. The headquarters is trying to sell old buildings now that no one can or will buy right now. The cash isn't rolling in as before. It may be a 'slow' imploding more than dramatic.

  • WTWizard

    I think (hope) their days of easy increases like those of the 1980s and early 1990s are long gone. For sure, the trend is less toward getting out more in field circus to save lives, and more to count time. Hopefully, the money will also begin to slow down (I know that the old timers will have trouble paying rent and still have $20 bills to drop into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund).

  • RR
    For *&^%'s sake, there are still Russellites/Bible Students around.

    Hey, I resemble that comment!

  • zagor

    I think their greatest card is that people inside mostly WANT to believe all that stuff. WTBS only provides the service like any other company

  • jaguarbass

    People are sheep and they look for sheppards.

    The watchtower fills that bill.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    As a nice thought of the WTS. imploding in on its self , you have to consider the strong driving force at the helm, this isn't just a faith to them its a lifestyle

    a means of support and a means of power to these select men.

    Even if there was a down sizing fade in membership there will always be a pact at the top that will hold the organization / corporation together by what ever means possible.

    And don't forget these cats have got the money to do so, not matter what shit they've told to their flock !

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