What's The BIGGEST Thing You Learned From Being On The Net About JWs?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • talley

    The #1 thing for me was stumbling upon a reference here to the book, "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz!!!

    While/after reading Ray's book the subconscience 'guilt' I had carried for almost 20 years just melted away.

    I had been a subscriber to the WT & A and had noticed a stark difference in the 'tone' of the WT articles around the very early 80's; the
    "LOVE" was gone.... because Ray was gone.... and I only learned of the connection upon getting my first computer in '02 and finding this wonderful site here (JWD). I havn't looked back since and every day now is appreciated and enjoyed to the fullest.


  • SPAZnik

    That I'm not alone in my cognitive dissonance. :O)

  • snowbird

    #1 The shocking mistranslation of the Holy Scriptures to fit WT theology.

    #2 The equally shocking cover-up that at one time the WT espoused the view that Black people are inferior to Whites.

    For me, those two are the final nails in the coffin of WT credibility.


  • Mary

    Finding out about 607 BCE. That's at the heart of the whole religion. Once that's yanked away, the whole thing falls down.

  • leavingwt

    Another big one for me was: Discovering that the WT organization had become my idol. While calling myself a Christian, I had no clue what Christianity was even about. I had a relationship with an organization, not Jesus Christ.

  • LongHairGal

    I was disillusioned to learn how they doctored-up up their bible to fit with their teachings.

    I learned about their association with the U.N. I felt that was a major betrayal. I also learned the child abuse thing was much worse than I was led to believe. While I realize that all religions have this problem to some degree, I was shocked to learn how bad it really is. I was even more upset to realize that the average JW knows nothing about these things and are in a news blackout. They are like those three monkeys - see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.


  • LouBelle

    The child abuse cases. Never heard a peep about here in SA. Next one would have been the UN scandal.

  • Honesty

    Everything about the JW's is

  • zions watchman
    zions watchman

    I remember as a young Witness that some of the bull shit was hard to swallow, how when the 8 in the early 1900's were put in prison this was from the bible as it were.. I thought to my self this is a lot of propaganda. The web SHOW ME i WAS NOT ALONE and how others felt as well , the books from former members show me I HAVE LIVE A LIE and the SOB'S took the best years of my LIFE. ASSHOLES ALL OF THEM WITH THERE LIES!!!!!

  • JimmyPage

    Before I was on the website I knew I didn't enjoy being a Jehovah's Witness. But reading "Crisis of Conscience" was the BIGGEST eye opener for me. And "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and "In Search of Christian Freedom" haven't hurt either.

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